Louis DeJoy has resigned as postmaster general of the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) amid uncertainty about the agency’s future under President Trump.
DeJoy had notified the USPS board of directors in February that it was “time for them to begin the process of identifying his successor.” His resignation on Monday expedites that process and leaves Deputy Postmaster General Doug Tulino in charge until a permanent replacement is found.
“While our management team and the men and women of the Postal Service have established the path toward financial sustainability and high operating performance – and we have instituted enormous beneficial change to what had been an adrift and moribund organization – much work remains that is necessary to change our positive trajectory,” DeJoy said in a statement first reported by Reuters.
DeJoy had served as Postmaster General since May 2020. He previously donated to GOP political campaigns.
May he die in obscurity and pain, and burn in hell eternally.
And what ghoul will he pick to replace himself? Not optimistic.
This is the man that decommissioned a very large percentage of our auto mail machines, good way to shit over all the USPS staff and cripple the whole system.
So nice of him to wait until he finished crippling the system and specifically fucking with ballot deliveries and returns and helping orangeboi get in before resigning. Fucking shitbag.
He’s walking away with blood all over himself.
deleted by creator
He’ll probably now lead the privatization effort from the corporate side.
Worth noting that Biden chose not to replace him for reasons
Biden couldn’t. Postmaster general is appointed by a board.
The board that Christian Nationalists control.
And the Dems never thought to bring attention to this or change it.
Because they serve the same masters
Isn’t it weird how there’s always an excuse for why the Republicans can dismantle and change the government, but the Dems are powerless given the same set of tools?
He knows he won’t be needed for the next election, because…well, you know.
Why didnt Biden ditch this guy when he had a chance? He could have, if he had shown any spine at all as president. That entire administration let us down badly.
Biden couldn’t remove him. Why does this need to be repeated over and over?
He couldn’t remove him directly, but he was able to appoint enough members of the board that they had a Democratic majority, who could have booted DeJoy. Biden needed to appoint members who were committed to resisting and firing DeJoy, and with Biden’s, and Congress’s loud vocal support, influence the rest of the board to replace him.
Instead, Biden did less than nothing.
No, he couldn’t appoint enough members. Go use your search engine of choice.
I remember when I used to buy their excuses.
The Democrats magically are powerless whenever they gain power, and are powerless to stop Republicans when they are in power.
Figure it out
Biden appointed 4 members of the current board. 2 were Dems, 1 was a Rep, and 1 was an Indy.
Biden was required to keep the board balanced between parties (which is the stupidest fucking thing in the world considering that parties shouldn’t even exist in the first place, but never mind that).
Nevertheless, he certainly could have found some Dejoy-opposing Republicans if he’d bothered looking for them.
It’s amazing to me that Dems are always handcuffed by the “rules,” but Republicans ALWAYS find ways to avoid them and get ANYTHING they want.
Weak excuses for the destruction of democracy on their watch.
He literally can’t stack the board with his party. By law.
BIDEN couldnt appoint the majority in his favor, it must be 1:1 ratio.
not true. Look at the dates on the appointments
He did at least exactly nothing
Biden appointed 5 of the 9 members of the postal board of governors. He could have fired him that way and he didnt.
in 2022 Biden appointed to the board of governors: Anton Hajjar, Amber McReynolds and Ron Stroman Daniel Tangherlini and Derek Kan
Thats enough to oust Dejoy. And yet he wasnt ousted. Why not? Seems Biden didnt pressure them to fire Dejoy, but could have. As usual, centrists are not motivated to use the power we struggled to give them.
All I’m hearing here is a lack of imagination. And the current clusterfuck administration has an abundance of imagination in this realm, and we knew they would. Stands to reason that maybe Biden should have done more than sit on his fucking hands in the interest of forestalling the fascists.
You’re right of course. On the other hand this policy of strictly following established laws and precedents is in part what got us into this mess. Democrats could’ve been ruthless but they were meek. And now they have become almost entirely sidelined.
If neither party follows the law then what’s the fucking point of laws man? Seriously. What’s the point? We are a nation of laws. We have to be. I have so many complaints about Biden and the democrats but at some point flagrantly violating is not ok. If it is, why are we mad about Trump doing it? You’re literally saying Biden should’ve behaved like Trump.
Democracy requires forbearance. If no party behaves that way then I don’t want to be a part of this country anymore. A lot of people talking big game but none of yall truly grasp what it would mean for us to completely abandon our congressional system.
I believe administrations like FDR or JFK would’ve tolerated none of this shit. Biden looked weak as hell. I like the guy and I support the democrats but you can’t take the high road indefinitely. I take your point though and I’m not happy about it either. But I would’ve preferred a bad boy Democrat administration over whatever the fuck this is…
You mean like all the other recently removed bureaucrats that couldn’t be removed?
Because it’s a lie and people are rightfully disbelieving you.
Famous for trying to sabotage ballot delivery during the 2020 election to help Trump.
Appointed by Trump.
And biden didn’t get rid of him… it’s like the dems aren’t even trying.
Biden couldn’t get rid of him. Look up the process for getting a new one.
Trump is managing to get rid of whole fucking departments and Biden couldn’t get rid of a snake in a mailbox.
It does seem ludicrous, but would Biden doing things illegally be better? Everything Trump has done goes against the very principle of the country, so he’s not the benchmark we need, even though he’s “accomplishing” so much more by doing it wrongly.
Presidents were above the law for the final year of Biden’s term.
He chose to do nothing.
Everyone says this, but it was dependent upon the SCROTUS determining that it was an “official act.” Guess how many things a Democrat did would be decided to be an official act by them?
Surely there’s a middle ground between “laws don’t matter” and “it’s too bad we can’t do anything at all”. Dems don’t even pretend to try.
Yeah! Joe Biden sucks ass! He should have broken the law more! oh wait wtf
Thank you for summarizing the Supreme Court’s decision in Trump v. United States.
EXACTLY!!! So many people are trying to go after trump but we all know that biden is still the real enemy. Its why the palestinians still have it so hard. Hes the real deep state. /s /s /s /s /s /s…
I’m not blaming Biden. Jesus. Trump is bad and also not good. I can still be mad at my own political party for bringing a spoon to a gun fight.
I get that I just hate when the public discourse seems to be lets not focus on the real problem. You want me to not vote dem all we have to do is have republicans consistently lose the presidency and have less than 25% of congress.
Didn’t they not fill seats on the board?
Biden did appoint a number of them, but there can’t be more than five of a party affiliation, and removal of the PMG requires an absolute majority of those board members. The question needs to be why none or not enough of them feel he’s a problem.
Yes, he could have. He needed to wait until the composition of the board changed, and once that happened, they did absolutely nothing to get rid of DeJoy.
Once again, the Dems were more concerned with potential Republican criticism than honoringntheir oath of office, and protecting American citizens from domestic enemies.
Bullshit. Biden eventually appointed a majority of the postal board. If he had selected appointees based on their opposition to DeJoy he would’ve been gone. But for some reason, Biden didn’t bother.
He could have, but had excuses. There were always excuses here, there , in hundreds of things that were not done, never intended to be done.
Ultimately it was worth more to allow the sabotage to continue rather than pay the political price.
No, he couldn’t. Biden literally could not just fire him. That’s not how the Postmaster General works. The committee that controls who the PMG is, would not fire him.
Biden has absolutely no control over who the PMG is. He couldn’t fire Dejoy. He couldn’t assign a new PMG.
Don’t be stupid about something you know nothing of.
He had no control over the postmaster general. He only had control over a majority of the people who vote for him…
And he appointed 5 of them. You are aware you can’t force people to do something if you’re a half decent person, right? Like, free will is a thing, and unless I’m mistaken, Biden isn’t the leader of a cult, nor does he have mind control powers, last I checked.
I will never understand how people can blindly defend Biden, or even think that the destruction of infrastructure on a massive scale is business as usual. Or cannot be stopped under any circumstance.
Perhaps you and others have no clue of the extent of the damage , or perhaps you don’t care? Perhaps it makes you feel better to think nothing could be done.
Honestly feel contempt at this moment
you do realize THE BOG are the one that can remove dejoy right?
I’ll never understand people so willfully ignorant like you. Refusal to believe facts because they don’t fit your narrative. I wish I could be as blissfully ignorant as you are, but I’m cursed with the ability to learn, and educate myself. You’re fortunate you are not.
It’s not “blindly defending.” They explained their position clear as day. Are you serious?
No, really. Legally the President can’t touch that position. I’ve got my pitchfork out too, but this isn’t one of the things to go after.
He could have allowed criminal charges against DeJoy, it’s hard to keep one’s position if convicted and serving a multi year sentence.
DeJoy destroyed so much of the infrastructure that he could have easily been charged for dozens of things, even murder when prescribed medications were lost by the tens of thousands due to the backlogs he created.
Did Biden stop charges against him? Would that stop him from keeping the position, legally? Honest questions.
I know it’s frustrating, but there are processes in place, and sometimes people find ways to use that to their advantage to do evil.
For what broken laws? What law, specifically, did he break? Being a piece of shit doesn’t break any laws.
only the BOG couldve gotten rid of dejoy
Industrial strength like you’ve got there.
kinda wierd he dint do anything for 4 years, after he sabotaged the post office? was he hoping it for it to immediately fall apart and pick apart the corpses? i know the first thing he did was eliminate OT initially for employees.
Would have been cool if he did that like 4 years ago.
Obviously timing to be replaced by someone even worse
And now he can use his newly padded resume to get a cushy executive job at wherever guts the remainder of the usps
He resigns, his successor oversees the privatization, he buys it up because the courts can no longer try to stop it for conflict of interests.
Fucking corporate media - they mention his ties to the GOP but omit his prior employment with
FedExEd: Whoops, XPO as a commenter below pointed out.You mean XPO?
Actually I do - I’m not certain why I misrecalled the it as FedEx.
He didn’t get the job because of his fedex experience.
Seems like a play to make privatization more appealing. The big strong private sector can come to the rescue of the weak, leaderless USPS.
If there is a Hell, I hope Satan makes him walk a never ending postal carrier route.
While I don’t trust him, I don’t see the resignation as a good thing. I suspect he was holding back an attempt to privatize and sell off the postal service.
So they can find someone more against the USPS. Cool.
It depends on what that particular board wants to do. Biden appointed a bunch of them, so there’s a chance someone decent it put in place, but it wouldn’t shock me in the least if Trump replaced those that wouldn’t install a Putin pick, in order to get them installed.
I ebay thrifted stuff for years and it’s really bad since Trump2 started. Anything going in the middle has taken 6-8 weeks via USPS. Been doing this two decades and it would always take 2-5 business days.
They had some massive problems with the mail going through Indianapolis. Closed the airport center and moved it all to the new spot without the necessary staff to run it. It added weeks to my shipments as well.
It’d be a whole lot cooler if he died tho.
Anecdotal, but I’ve been tracking a package for over a week as it made its way across the globe. This evening the USPS site is throwing an error.
Morning edit: back to functioning. But you really never know with the clowns in charge.