He sees where the money is, plus Putin is paying a ton too,.
He sees where the money is, plus Putin is paying a ton too,.
Kind of weird he fell off the deep end after iron man
Your looking for the word pseudointellectuals, Jordan Peterson, Shapiro, Rogan, musk even.
All they need to do is just fund people to create the blackmail, conservatives and greedy people are the easiest people to manipulate
musk has supplies of ketamine at his place
Peterson brain damage was from getting a coma in RUSsia because he wasn’t man enough to go through benzo withdrawals the healthy way.
Funny how their candidate is PP
He made his debut in RADIO then fear factor
Horse mouth, people alluded him using horse trt
Hes a grifter like many on the right
That was so annoying non reddit Everytime he was brought up. At least the jre sub makes fun of him
He can go keep Steven seagull company
I wonder if Dana is going, he is a trump supporter too
You can join Steven seagull in russia
My work and my former university uses outlook and Ms apps as their primary line of communication . It’s like the most counterintuitive site there is
I’m guessing all the attention and money was focusing on trump and not local election, it’s been said on Reddit for years that trump is siphoning campaign money away from down ballot GOP elections to line his pockets
I think it got offensive when it was used with" mentally retarded" so blatantly
It’s only because R word was being heavily censored in reddit. Any use of that word was an immediate comment removal and ban, even if the context wasn’t attacking the disabled/demeaning them.
Black women have magats panties in a wad
He looks more like thumb