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Joined 17 days ago
Cake day: March 9th, 2025


  • You still haven’t figured out that America isn’t supposed to survive this. Putin is running this op, and MuskRat and Krasnov are his muscle, and the objective is the end of American democracy and hegemony. Waiting for it to play out is not an option, it is literally the safety of the world at stake.

    Reps make things happen, while Dems just react, usually weakly. It is time they take the lead and start make the Reps react.

    What is happening to America wasnt just predictable, they literally published it in a book, and made it very clear that this was their plan. We know that both Krasnov and MuskRat had multiple private meetings with Putin during Biden’s term, and the Biden administration intelligence agencies should have been able to surmise what the coming objective was.

    Biden had no obligation to treat an enthusiastic unrepentant traitor, and America’s biggest national security threat, who was actively plotting with America’s worst enemy, as a normal presidential candidate. We needed Biden, and the rest of the Democratic government, to quit being polite to bad people, and act courageously and decisively to defend America from an obvious domestic enemy, but they totally let us down with their spinelessness. Now it will almost certainly take violence, and very possibly a civil war, to save America from the MAGA Nazis.

  • In nearly every nation in the not so distant past, and still in many nations in the world today, on the evening of Jan 6, after the Insurrection had failed, HitlerPig and all of his evil henchmen and family would have been dragged out onto the White House lawn and publicly executed.

    I had posted that statement many times on Reddit, and when I posted it on the day after his Inauguration, my 12 year, million karma account was permantently banned.

  • I didn’t change anything, I just pointed out that whether you or I are correct (which is an e tirely dufferent duscussion), the situation doesn’t really change. MuskRat is still civilly responsible for the Tesla’s ongoing crash.

    It doesn’t require a majority of shareholders to file a class-action lawsuit. Any group with the same issues can combine to sue. Besides, there are probably some other major shareholders who are totally out of their minds over MuskRat costing them millions of dollars with his unhinged reckless behavior. I wouldn’t be so quick to believe that they will continue to support him. I certainly wouldn’t support someone who has cost me millions so far, and whose continuing behavior is predictably likely to continue to lose my money.

  • I’ve recently gotten into selling items on Etsy, and so far I like their system much better. When I have a sale, I can instantly print a packing list and a shipping label, and the postage gets deducted from my account. Its a very clean, easy system, and far more trustworthy system than anything using PayPal - SO FAR.

    The main problem with Etsy is that items either need to be produced by the seller, or be vintage. I sell items that fit both of those categories, so it works for me, but it is not a site to sell normal household goods. You couldn’t sell new books or current pressings of LPs, for instance. That’s what keeps them from fully competing with Ebay. They could change that policy to include everything, but that would fundamentally change what Etsy IS, and I doubt they want that.

    I use Craigslist and FB Marketplace for selling guitars, musical instruments, and household goods. Craigslist used to be pretty good, but seems useless these days. I always post my items on both, but I NEVER get responses from Craigslist anymore, only FB. Also, all they do is connect buyer and seller. They do nothing to facilitate the transaction, like take care of payments or shipping. They are simply 21st c. Classified Ads.

    There are others like OfferUp, but I’ve never used them.

  • Perhaps you would be correct about a normal dispute between a CEO/Board and disgruntled shareholders who want more, but that’s not the Tesla situation.

    MuskRat has been behaving recklessly, inappropriately, violently, insultingly, and worse, and the extreme negative reaction from Tesla’s current and potential market was easily predictable.

    Whether the law requires that a CEO act to maximize profits, or simply manage the business in the best way possible on behalf of shareholders, MuskRat’s behavior has egregiously violated both, leaving both himself and the board greatly exposed to the possibility of a shareholder class-action suit, for any number of reasons.

    With a nearly 60% drop in the stock price (which continues), and a severely damaged corporate image around the entire WORLD (which is probably unrecoverable under the current corporate leadership), both DIRECTLY attributable to his own personal behavior, it is doubtful that the company will even be in business in a couple of years, although HitlerPig will probably give him a bail out.

  • The Dems need him right where he is. This isn’t his first scandal. Remember on his first morning after celebrating his senate approval, when he had to go on air with a raging hangover to talk about how one of his helicopters just killed a plane load of innocent civilians?

    And it won’t be his last. We can expect a monthly scandal from him alone, which Dems can use to slam him and the entire administration during mid-terms.

    Same with Gabbard, who, as National Security Advisor, should know that she should not be discussing classified details of an imminent op on an unsecure thrid-party platform…with a reporter in the room.

    Same with Vance, etc.

    We WANT this administration to remain incompetent. These people were approved for the sole reason of “sticking it to the libs,” and that mission is accomplished. If these people are fired, they might get replaced with those who actually have some level of competence.

    Nah, stick with the idiots. When the time comes, they’ll be much easier to beat strategically by a competent militia led by competent military leaders who were fired for their competency, intelligence, and patriotism. Then these treasonous MAGAMorons won’t just get fired, they’ll get some far worse fate, which they have earned.

  • I’ve been saying this all along, except I’ve been calling it “Virtuosic Incompetence.”

    There’s an old saying that it’s better to have your enemies inside your tent pissing out, than outside your tent pissing in. HitlerPig is far too ignorant to have heard that saying, and he wouldn’t understand if he did.

    By replacing anyone with knowledge and experience, with those whose ONLY qualification is loyalty, he has given his opposition the gift of competence, while removing it entirely from his side. In addition, there are thousands of people still working for the various Federal agencies who are blisteringly angry at what’s being done to them, their workplaces, and their patriotic mission, and they are perfect recruits for leaks and sabotage.

    People have said that it will be impossible to take our country back when they control everything, including the military, but thier leadership are so poorly equipped mentally and experientially, that a small competent militia, with an experienced leader, could easily win through strategic means rather than brute force, which is all the MAGAMorons understand and value.

    Intelligence will eventually win over sheer power, because one side understands both strategies, while the other only understands one, and has only disdain for intelligence.

    They’re Pakleds - stupid, easily manipulated, and easily whupped.

  • I was an eBay power seller in the early 2000s, and it was becoming pretty lucrative, enough that i was considering making it my main gig, but PayPal ruined it.

    Multiple times i would log in to find my online store suspended for some period of time, once for an entire month. There was no explanation, just a suspension. And they don’t just turn off your store, they delete it entirely, so i would have to rebuild the store from scratch, relisting every item, and i had over 200 items.

    Also, eBay did absolutely nothing about customers who would demand, and get, refunds with no proof of a damaged item. If you gave the crook a bad review, they’d do it back. They could always delete their account and start fresh, but my unjustified bad feedback from crooks would accumulate and lower my score and reputation.

    Ebay and PayPal are two evil entities that deserve each other, and to this day i wont do any business with any PayPal associated business like Venmo.

  • He does work in the private sector, and it will happen, his board of directors will be forced to fire him. It’s nearly inevitable at this point.

    The CEO and all board members of ANY corporation are legally obligated to maximize profits for the shareholders, and if they fail at that, the shareholders can, and will, sue the company, as well as the board members individually. They have a personal financial stake in keeping him in line, and working to grow the company.

    Instead, they allowed him to partner up with the loudest anti-ev voice on the planet, then run around for months behaving like a narcissistic toddler with a chain-saw, tanking the company’s global reputation, to the point where nobody is buying Teslas, people are unloading them as fast as they can, and protesters are vandalizing amd destroying them.

    All of it was easily predictable, and the CEO is supposed to be an unparalled genius, so he defintely should have been able to predict the results of his unhinged behavior.

    There WILL be a shareholder lawsuit at some point, I’m sure law firms are looking into it already. The board will almost certainly have to fire him in order to be able to defend themselves from charges of negligence for letting him run wild and destroy the company image.

  • I’m surprised he got it right, and didn’t say “deep throated,” or something even more incomprehensible. That’s how “big league” became “bigly,” and “veritable genius” became “stable genius,” etc.

    He’s classically ignorant, a person with an expensive education who was too entitled to actually learn ANYTHING. He almost certainly was the guy who bullied others to do his homework, so he learned literally nothing, except how to exploit others for his own gain.

    He is proud of, and brags about, attending Wharton Business School, but one of his professors has said that he was “the dumbest goddam student I ever had.”

    There is a photo of a teen Trump standing in full military dress, along with his parents. That photo reveals a lot. There are only two reasons that rich parents send their kid to a military school. They are either a family with a long military tradition, and all of their kids are educated in military schools, or the kid is so incorrigible that they are threatened with, and finally sent to, military school. The Trump family has absolutely no military tradition, and in fact, Agent Krasnov’s grandfather came to America specifically to avoid military sevice.

    So he was so ill-behaved, that even his sociopathic father couldnt ignore it, and was forced to try to deal with this intransigent child by sending him to military school. History has proven that it didn’t work.