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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • As a Georgian who has been closely following this ratfuckery for some time now, I think the odds of Georgia’s actual popular votes getting (a) accurately counted and (b) correctly certified and translated into Electoral College votes is are a toss-up, at best. I think it’s alarmingly likely that either (a) so many voters get suppressed and so many ballots get illegitimately thrown out for bullshit reasons like “signature mismatches” that it changes the popular vote outcome or (b) MAGA poll watcher sabotage/refusals to certify/fake electors/bad-faith lawsuits result in SCOTUS or some other MAGA-sabotaged court either invalidating GA’s EC votes entirely or using the manufactured uncertainty as an excuse to assign them to the candidate who, in actuality, got fewer popular votes.

    Voting is absolutely necessary, but also woefully insufficient. We desperately need to be preparing to force the MAGA conspiracists who have infiltrated the elections bureaucracy to do their jobs properly and organizing massive counter-protests. Perhaps most importantly, we need to be doing this despite how the MAGA election deniers have poisoned the well against acknowledging real election fraud, and we need to get over the idea that it’s somehow hypocritical or uncouth to use some of the same tactics they’ve been using to undermine democracy in order to save it.

    I believe we can beat the fascists, but in order to do so we have to actually be willing to do what’s necessary to beat the fascists, and I have seen precious little evidence that there’s any sort of widespread movement towards that.

  • https://www.commondreams.org/news/trump-election-boards-swing-states

    TL;DR: because this time they have state election officials on their side.

    They will create enough FUD about the results to either get Trump EC votes he didn’t legitimately win, or to throw out enough EC votes entirely that neither candidate gets to 270 and the election is decided by a “one state, one vote” poll in the House.

    Last time, the 50+ lawsuits trying to throw out election results failed because there was no fraud to be found. This time, they will succeed because disposable MAGA followers will have manufactured it themselves. As we’ve seen with those previous lawsuits as well as Trump v United States, the MAGA SCOTUS won’t go so far as to blatantly ignore 100% of reality to rule in favor of Trump, but will seize upon any flimsy excuse they can find to spin their decisions in his favor. Any real election fraud – even if we all know it’s done on Trump’s behalf – will be the fig leaf that covers SCOTUS as it falls over itself to coronate him.