• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Almost assuredly not, but we know so little about abiogenisis, its entirely plausible to consider that there may have been multiple origins of life on earth. The nature of cellularization, and DNA first versus RNA first models for life (or perhaps even some other “3rd” biomolecule? maybe surface level interactions on clay?), or even RNA only models. It may well be that there are other sources for abiogensis that are extraterrestrial, but that doesn’t overcome things like the concentration dilemma (you need some biophysical process to concentration “enough” of these interesting biomolecules to do meaningful stuff).

    So extra terrestrial things that stand on legs and have heads and eyes? Almost assuredly not. But it may well be that we’ve been repeatedly (or continuously) colonized by extra-terrestrial bio-molecules. I still hold out for some missions to features like Pluto where there is obviously a kind of deep-ice geochemical cycle happening (freeze-thaw based on coming close/ further to the sun). In these cycles there might be opportunities for basic biomolecules to form and accumulate. Slam a big chunk of it into a planet that is at least cool enough to have liquid water, and a geochemical cycle, that might be all you need.

  • Something happened long before October 7th and Israeli society is apparently fundamentally broken. Before October 7th, I had Israelli friends and Palestinian friends and thought I understood that it was a long political impasse but that there were people on both sides that wanted peace. I know there are some on the Israeli side that want peace. I thought it was largely people who wanted peace and hawks in the way. But no. Its largely one voice in favor of genocide, be it fast or slow. I did not understand. I know now that I was wrong. And if those voices persist in Israel, they really need to speak the fuck up.