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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • The journalist DID get the correct type of gun. The title is not written by the journalist and is the only place revolver is used.

    It’s in the subtitle, and it was produced by the news organization alongside the article. It’s part of the article as released by the journalistic news outlet, it impacts the story, and it’s embarrassing

    And the way you say, “what other basic facts have they misrepresented” makes it seem like you think this was an intentional thing to skew the stor

    Nice assumption, don’t read shit into what other people say and you won’t get it wrong. My point wasn’t that it’s purposefully wrong at all, just that it is wrong, and an insanely basic thing to get wrong. Assume incompetence before malice, you know?

    Only gun nerds will care about that detail

    Lol, completely untrue. My wife has no idea about guns and her first comment was that the gun in the thumbnail wasn’t a revolver and she chuckled. It’s a really basic fact to fuck up

    so the editor/copy person who actually wrote the headline likely did no research at all

    Exactly? If the person doing the tag line for the article couldn’t be bothered to not make a basic error fixed with a 2s web search: why should you trust that the person who wrote the article did, or was checked properly?

    The point is that the type of gun is not important

    The point is that I learned in my journalism classes that missing basic facts like this erodes trust in you as a news source, for obvious reasons. Well, obvious to people with half a brain, anyway.

    Just like if the person had said the officer was wearing a cotton shirt under his uniform when it was actually a poly-cotton blend, it’s not 100% accurate but it doesn’t change the point.

    Absolutely not the same at all. What the office wore underneath his uniform is nether relevant nor in the thumbnail next to the article title. The type of gun is both of those things

    Again, it’s a very simple concept: if the news source cannot be assed to do a basic fact check on their title when it’s blatantly false by their own thumbnail then they cannot be trusted to fact check jack shit

  • When I worked at subway… Fuck me 10 years ago this month…

    We pulled them nipples and the inserts off every night and rinsed them in hot water, then left em overnight in sanitizer solution, and I (being 6’4") had to clean the ice holder every 2 weeks to a month, never got told bad in there thanks to that

    There was a picture our boss would show you of what happens when you don’t that convinced everybody to clean it religiously. We got free drinks from the machine, after all, we’d only be killing ourselves faster with that shit being dirty

  • At an old employer: delivery driver for a fuel truck company parked his truck one day and robbed a bank. Got arrested, we had to go get the truck back from where he parked it a few blocks away.

    At my current employer: literally last weekend the freezer in our storage area failed and a boar, some elk, and fish went rotten over the weekend. The smell in my office the last 3 days has almost killed people, this will not be forgotten