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Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • I found this article about a NPR poll which has a breakdown of support for Israel by age group and party affiliation.

    I’m not sure exactly where Biden’s position on the Gaza invasion falls on this poll, but it seems closest to “Support Israels right to defend itself while encouraging a cease fire”. Biden definitely isn’t withholding all support, and he definitely isn’t fully supporting the military actions against Hamas.

    About 33% of Democrats and 27% independents think the US should suspend aid to Israel until there is a cease fire.

    Similarly 38% of gen z/millennials think there should be a cease fire until there is a suspension of aid. This is the smallest voting cohort at about 36% of the population according to Wikipedia, and also the least likely to vote historically. Perhaps voter turn out would be higher among this group if we had a different candidate, but no one is going to cater their political platform to a group that had never reliably voted, especially if doing so costs them votes among reliable voters.

    Among Gen X and older less that 19% support a stopping aid until a cease fire happens. This is the largest and most likely to vote voting cohort.

    Also noted in the article, Biden has a 15 point lead over Trump among baby boomers who have very little support for a ceasefire.