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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • I still remember where I was when I saw that things had mathematically tipped past the point of no return for Hillary. It wasn’t a huge shock to me, but that’s mostly cuz I saw the writing on the wall when Hillary’s entire schtick for a while had been “no worries, we’ve got this, it’s not even a problem.” Democrat victories have historically hinged on whether or not they can motivate people to vote, and Hillary’s entire strategy did the exact opposite of that. Every single person independently went “she’s been saying for months that she already has it in the bag, so why bother voting?” And that led to her losing a lot of votes.

  • Now we just need a way to use that shelf with the same account so I don’t get booted from my steam deck games just because I left something running on my PC and vice versa.

    AFAIK, this is also a licensing issue. When Steam was launching, game publishers were concerned that people would simply share an account. So part of Steam’s licensing agreement is that the same account can’t have games (even different games) running on two machines at the same time. It’s specifically to prevent account sharing, because people would just share an account with their friends; Booting them out of their game every time their buddy boots something up is a pretty effective countermeasure.

  • The “same game at the same time” part is a licensing issue. It won’t ever be “solved” because it would get Steam into legal trouble to do so, just like the Internet Archive recently FAFO’ed. In order for two people to play the same game at the same time, you need to own two licenses for said game.

    But it does solve the issue of multiple people using the same library at the same time. Now your family members don’t get booted off of Skyrim just because you launched Persona. It basically combines your libraries, so any of you can choose any of the listed games to play at any time. Just like having a physical shelf full of CD cases.

  • She literally scored all 0’s at the Olympics. I’d say she fell flat on her face, but even that would’ve probably earned more points than her performance. It was a sort of Billy Madison moment.

    The controversy was all because she basically voted herself into the competition; No governing body existed for Australia (where she was from) so she created the organization to decide who got to go to the Olympics. They held tryouts, and she (since she made the organization and was in charge of the tryouts) made a point of excluding anyone who was better than her.

    She basically only made it to the Olympics because of blatant nepotism, and then made a fool of herself. Her stated reason was that she saw who she was up against, realized she didn’t have a chance in a straight skill-based competition, and decided to do something more “experimental” instead. Basically, she said she was hoping to cinch it with creativity instead of skill. In reality it was just cringe, and she looked like an idiot.

    So her getting #1 is because she fell into a weird sort of loophole; The rank only considers scores for competitions that aren’t Olympic. And nearly all of the 2024 competitions were focused on qualifying for the Olympics. She only attended one non-Olympic competition, but she won it because all of the best breakers were focused on the Olympics. So since she won that competition, she was handed the title of #1.

  • Just a dude who wants to love his neighbor.

    And the big issue seems to be that the two sides have drastically different definitions of the word “love”. There was a study a while ago, which found that conservatives are more likely to have liberal friends, while liberals are less likely to have conservative friends. It sounds odd on the surface… But the reality is that if a liberal hangs out with conservatives long enough to become friends, those conservatives will eventually get comfortable. Comfortable enough to start using hard slurs, or they will call the liberal “one of the good ones” as if it’s a compliment.

    It’s no wonder that liberals are less likely to report having conservative friends. Liberals have tried, and have been burned by all of the conservatives that they got close to. Meanwhile, the most offensive thing a liberal does around conservatives is just… Exist? Relatively speaking, it’s easy for a conservative to keep liberals around, because the liberal isn’t constantly trying to undermine the conservative’s right to personhood. Whether or not you can own guns isn’t an immediate existential threat to a conservative.

  • Yeah, captchas have gotten worse recently. I had one asking me to choose “the largest animal” and it had an example picture of what was meant to be a lion. There was a rhino in one of the other pics.

    It wanted me to click on lions, but then gave me something larger than a lion.

    Edit: I just got this… Clicking on the flowers fails. Clicking on Skip fails. It wouldn’t let me try a third time to try clicking the cows, giraffe, or moose. But it clearly believes at least one of the three is smaller than a cat.

  • but I could have said no, and I could have said nothing was picked up. This was all reasonable cooperation with no overreach or privacy invasion

    For what it’s worth, Ring and Nest both got some bad press, because it was discovered that police were issuing warrants for footage directly from the companies. Many of the people never even knew their footage had been pulled and used by police. If you’re self-hosting a video server, then cool. But if you’re using one of the big companies, they didn’t even need to ask you first. And even if you’re self-hosting, they could technically compel you to turn over the footage if they can convince a judge it will help their case.