From a market regulation view it is more of a prison than Android.
An example is apps have to use WebKit. That’s right Firefox for iOS doesn’t use Gecko and Google Chrome for iOS doesn’t use Chromium. - That’s the walled garden.
From a market regulation view it is more of a prison than Android.
An example is apps have to use WebKit. That’s right Firefox for iOS doesn’t use Gecko and Google Chrome for iOS doesn’t use Chromium. - That’s the walled garden.
I have a naturally lean body type. I put on quite a lot of good weight by doing strength training over several months. I supplemented my diet with a protein shake of which I drank half before training and the remaining after it.
Try it! It’ll take time but you’ll gain weight in a healthy manner and feel good about it.
They do.
My smell-name would probably be something like sweaty ass with a hint of Nivea.
There’s Wero, a European alternative to VISA and Mastercard.
Can relate. Am I secretly a Finlandian?
How old and how sleepy was he?
He looks like he’ll need another one or two days of napping and patting.
By that definition Windows 11 isn’t ready for people too. You’ll need the command line at installation to circumvent the mandatory MS account requirement.
Licking oneself or others for the purpose of grooming or maintenance.
Good luck trying to enforce that. Most people lick a small wound on their hands an fingers. It’s our subconscious that triggers that.
The mighty US of A needs NATO to invade an island with 56,000 inhabitants?
Is Wakanda located on that island or what?
Most guys are playing female characters. Even most female player chose them and women hate women the most. :D
Can’t just stay low for one day so we can catch out breaths?
He’s like a duracell bunny.
when you realize the average reading level of the US is at a 7th grade level and 20% read below a third grade level it explains why companies require degrees.
Ouch. I didn’t know it is so bad. How could the people allow that? Why is nobody on the street and marching for more education?
This is stupid. Not you what you tell.
You can game that system by majoring an easy degree.
Also Trump did say he wasn’t going to do Project 2025 during the campaign.
Nobody has any intention of building a wall.
- said Walter Ulbricht, head of state of the GDR in 1961, two months before he ordered to build the Berlin Wall.
Or gender studies. I still don’t know what that is about.
You can also try philosophy so you can philosophize about why this choice was bad.
Who tf hires someone with a degree in philosophy?
Title: You wouldn’t believe what I found.
It’s a rock and sand desert. There never was wind to even out the surface. It’s a challenge to find level ground big enough for a lander.
An alternative is plain old school irc. I’m not kidding.
Connect to irc.irchighway.net then /j #ebooks then !search <author and/or title>
Receive search results via xdcc which gives you the commands to download that stuff.
Or query one of the bots (e. g. @bsk) and get a list of hundreds of thousands of books that are available and search that for what you want.
I prefer that over ad infested one click hosters with countdowns, link shortener cascades and captchas. I find and get the stuff much faster by using irc.
That’s an interesting take! Maybe I should do that too, when I restart learning Italian again.
Une, due, tre. Short and simple enough for me!
Or I go the masochist route and name them il ragazzo, la ragazza, i ragazzi and le ragazze. :D
Fun fact:
In medieval times cats were seen as evil and chased away. The job of hunting mice was done by smaller dogs.