Don’t they mean “Hank Propane”?
No no, this one sells cocaine and cocaine accessories. Trust me you do not wanna mix up cocaine and propane.
That’s how Dalton killed Benicio del Toro.
That was beautiful. " go pew pew pew pew"
Is that the Hank Cocaine who’s friends with Steve Buttstuff?
A lot of Hungarian family names are based on location. They basically translate to things like “Croatian Esther” and “German Andrew”, or with village names. My phone is the same: I’m nomadic and people’s names end up being where I know them from: “Steve Bangkok”, “Nora London”, “Maxine Cape Town”
I put place and a word or two of the context I met them. In my case it’s usually the instrument they play like:
Jane (NOLA music clarinet)
Please, Hank Cocaine is my father. Call me Hank Dank.
Makes me wonder about the connotations behind Emily Dickinson’s family name…
Presumably it’s Scandinavian, son of the Dickins… so her family was known for Dickins all around.
I meet mostly moms. So I save them with their name and their kid’s name and sometimes the location we’ve met (usually a playground nickname) on my phone. Sarah Noah Locomotive, Madlene Jacob Crown, Vitali Pasha Poop.
Wait, what’s a “Cooper”?
Someone who makes barrels.
“Fassbinder” in German, a quite common last name. So Michael Fassbender means “Michael Cooper.”
Huh now it’s got me wondering if that’s where the word “cooperate” comes from. Maybe it takes more more than one person to make a barrel.
No. “Cooperate” is co-operate. Co means “with” or “together”.
So “work together”