Exactly. You’d need 28.9km/s of Delta V to get something from the earth to the sun, because your starting velocity is the 107000km/h of the earth and you have to slow down that much.
Instead it takes only 2.9km/s to send Musk to mars and make him fullfil his promise of humans on mars by 2024 (well, he won’t arrive this year as the trip takes 8 months, but we could forgive him that)
Exactly. You’d need 28.9km/s of Delta V to get something from the earth to the sun, because your starting velocity is the 107000km/h of the earth and you have to slow down that much.
Instead it takes only 2.9km/s to send Musk to mars and make him fullfil his promise of humans on mars by 2024 (well, he won’t arrive this year as the trip takes 8 months, but we could forgive him that)