Still a very green banana.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • > While individual circumstances leading to homelessness are diverse, at a population level, the largest predictor is a lack of affordable housing6,7 (University of California Press, 2022) (U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness)

    Excerpt from 2021 GAP Report

    Even if rents at the bottom-end of the market fall during a downturn, they will not fall sufficiently to provide extremely low-income renters with an adequate supply of affordable housing. Owners have an incentive to abandon their rental properties or convert them to other uses when rental income is too low to cover basic operating costs and maintenance. They have little incentive to provide housing in the private-market at rents that are affordable to extremely low-income renters.

    During periods of economic growth, the private market on its own still does not provide an adequate supply of rental housing affordable to low-income households. The rents that the lowest-income households can afford to pay typically do not cover the development costs and operating expenses of new housing. While new construction for higher-income renters encourages a chain of household moves that eventually benefits lower-income renters, new luxury units may not impact rents at the bottom of the market as much as they do rents at the top ( Jacobus, 2019).

    Because the market consistently fails to provide adequate, affordable housing for these renters, the government has an essential role to play to correct for this structural failure. The construction of public housing, subsidies to private developers to construct and operate affordable housing, and deeply income targeted rental assistance to tenants renting in the private market are needed.

    and the next question is ‘Why is more affordable housing needed?’

    which where you can scroll to the bottom and find ‘External Links’ which will provide with the GAP report link posted as well as others

  • One idea Harris should consider embracing, both to impress working-class voters on the campaign trail this year and to help navigate the legislative thicket next year: is to raise the corporate tax rate only on corporations that pay their chief executives absurdly more than they pay their workers.

    In 2021, writing for the Washington Monthly, Carter Dougherty urged Biden to adopt a version of a policy that originated in Portland, Oregon: Companies that pay CEOs 100 times more than their median worker must cough up a 10 percent tax surcharge. If the ratio is 250-to-1, then the surcharge is 25 percent. In 2023, also in the Monthly, Jessica Church argued such a law could have rendered the protracted United Auto Workers strike unnecessary.

    The appeal of the approach is clear. CEO compensation has skyrocketed in the last few decades, fueled by financial instruments like stock options, while worker compensation has lagged. This is a way to help increase the pay packages of average Americans without complex government bureaucracy or contentious labor strikes. As a Portland City Council member told Dougherty, “The goal was not to make money. The goal is to get employers to raise median wages.”

    so instead of committing to fight with the workers to gain better rights and raising the minimum wage we are just going to try force the situation with horseshit regulations?

    the fire she started with is already going out not to mention her right wing immigration stance

    here we go again

    Democrats using Fascism Lite to combat Republican’s Fascism Original

  • “These 35,000 borrowers approved for forgiveness today are public service workers - teachers, law enforcement officials, and first responders who have dedicated their lives to strengthening their communities and because of the fixes we made to Public Service Loan Program Forgiveness, they will now have more breathing room to support themselves and their families,” President Joe Biden said in a White House statement.

    Justice Delayed is Justice Denied

    What about the rest of the US? Biden made sure again to take care of police first.