I’m just some guy, you know.

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • Think of it this way - what if the government said one day: “All child porn made in the before this date is legal, all child porn made after this date is illegal”.

    You would end up with a huge corpus of “legal” child porn that pedophiles could use as a release, but you could become draconian about the manufacture of new child porn. This would, theoretically, discourage new child porn from being created, because the risk is too high compared to the legal stuff.

    Can you see the problem? That’s right, in this scenario, child porn is legal. That’s fucked up, and we shouldn’t do that, even if it is “simulated”, because fuck that.

  • There are literally mountains of evidence that suggest that normalizing child abuse in any fashion increases the rate at which children are actually abused, but it never stops there from being a highly upvoted comment suggesting that jacking it to simulated kids is some how a “release valve” for actual pedophilia, which makes absolutely no fucking sense given everything we know about human sexuality.

    If this concept were true, hentai fans would likely be some of the most sexually well-adjusted people around, having tons of experience releasing their real-world sexual desires via a virtual medium. Instead, we find that these people objectify the living shit out of women, because they’ve adopted an insanely overidealized caricature of what a woman should look and act like that is completely divorced from reality.

  • It’s not really children on these pics.

    You are certain about this? If so, where are you getting that info, because it’s not in the article?

    Generative image models frequently are used for the “infill” capabilities, which is how nudifying apps work.

    If he was nudifying pictures of real kids, the nudity may be simulated, but the children are absolutely real, and should be considered victims of child pornography.

  • I said free as in freedom, not free as in gratis.

    But since you want to double down on this bad idea, let me explain why it’s shit:

    If your employer expects you to use tools to do your job, they should pay for those tools if they cost something. Passing off operational expenses to the employees that use more expensive tools is hideously anti-worker, and it’s not even funny as a joke.

    Employers should pay for the tools used to run their businesses, and you should learn what the “free” in “free open source software” means, because it’s not about money.

  • This is the same logic given for school aged children to not fight back against bullies for decades, and bullying is now a huge problem.

    So you literally want to teach your kid to be violent? You’re staying very far from “teaching empathy” with this one…

    I’m talking about a situation where your own child is exhibiting bullying characteristics at a very young age.

    Yeah, those kids usually have violent parents. Of course you think this is a problem to be solved with violence. Too bad you haven’t figured out yet that you’re the reason your kid is violent.

    You can’t sit them down and explain why pulling their sibling’s hair shouldn’t give them gratification…

    You literally can. You just have no patience to talk to your kids, and use violence instead.

    But how do you correct a very young child who is exhibiting signs that they are growing into a bully?

    By not being the parent that normalizes violence as a solution to problems.

  • In school and 99% of scenarios, physicality doesn’t do any good. But if you have a really young child, like 3-5…

    You think violence against children is only acceptable if you’re beating a toddler? That’s a really weird conclusion to reach…

    I think spanking is acceptable as a punishment immediately after the incident.

    Because you’re a shit parent who doesn’t know how to raise a child without resorting to violence. The evidence overwhelmingly shows that negative reinforcement is the worst way to discipline a child. If you think it works, you’re wrong.

    They might have trouble with developing empathy and need to understand they hurt another being.

    You’re teaching them, by example, to use violence. You’re the parent. Be a role model. How can you possibly think you can use violence to teach that violence is wrong?