That was the headliner reason for me.
The rest was just ‘Alright, it isn’t enough this guy is a piece of shit, he’s pushing a shitty product.’
That was the headliner reason for me.
The rest was just ‘Alright, it isn’t enough this guy is a piece of shit, he’s pushing a shitty product.’
‘we don’t like it when OTHER people do it. This is Our Thing.’
‘Four links deep’
HEY NOW! Sometimes stuff just gets interesting!
‘Into a maze of AI-Generated Nonsense.’
And sometimes that interesting is porn related!
Compare arab spring where Egypt shut down its internet and Twitter did everything it could to ensure messages got through…
To bowing down to authoritarian bullshit and locking down dissenting and potentially dissenting accounts.
You know, from the free speech absolutist.
Thus the price of collaboration. You are not rewarded, you simply draw attention to yourself as someone with wealth they can pillage.
Putting a chopped down lawnmower blade in front of a thing, and having it spin at harddrive speeds is honestly kinda terrifying…
Then get bored when it devolves into a wedge meta.
Making a thumbdrive to try things out to see what works and doesn’t isn’t hard. Software can be hit or miss depending on if you NEED specific things for work or not. Thanks to Valve’s efforts alongside WINE, gaming is in a lot better place than it was even five years ago.
OP is just trying to ragebait. Instead it seems like he is trying to Masturbate.
Depends on if there’s any continuity of self or not. If it’s like it is now and there is no explicite continuity barring some major wonky situations (ala Last Airbender) then no. They get a fresh slate same as everyone else.
Like say. I find out in a prior life I was Pol Pot. Current me is going to feel REALLY shitty and ‘OK maybe the shit I’m in with my life is to try balancing out the shit I did then.’
Now if there IS a continuity of self/resurgance of the old personality? Treat that person AS the old person.
Still not interested in a fucking printer.
A worthless parasite that devours and destroys the lives of working people.
Trump is trying to use special education/disabilities (schools for the blind, deaf, etc) as a shield from criticism.
If I had a gun and trump was in the room with me I’d beat him to death with it while screaming that I’m sick of people using me as a shield for their shitty behavior.
Yea, we can’t just write this off as satire. It’s real life.
Laugh or Scream. Or both.
I’ve been having a grand time with sylpheed.
Mostly because thunderbird changed its presentation layout and i took it personally. Plus sylpheed is lighter weight.
Well given the scenerio takes one away that i’m already dealing with?
Bullied. It’s more straightforward.
Yes it is because men are encouraged to never outgrow their teenage giggle fits because america was founded by puiritanical shitbags that thought women were inherently sinful.
Extra Import Duty
Thanks Trump!
I hope it does hurt them.
Fine they can open offices elsewhere, but that’s expense and time and complication. They need to hurt for bending the knee because that’s the only way they learn to fucking stop.