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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2024

  • That’s true. Ancaps love to talk how almost anything government-done can be done by private entities in the right conditions and social consensus. Turns out this is true for censorship too.

    I’m completely ideology-agnostic at this point. Whatever works, works. Nothing around seems to work though.

    In any case, while this is true, power goes the shortest way and power corrupts. USA is the hegemon of our world and the center of our civilization, which is now united by American English language and American technologies, and what’s the worst, American corporations. Much more power goes its way to corrupt it.

    You know how bad people like to grease in shit the right tools for fixing the problem, preventively? That Putinist thing about “multi-polar” world means that they want to be a little hegemon too, and to have free reign in gray zones. But there is a similar sane point.

    But really decentralization of tech research and production and standards is something we all need else we vanish. Right now we have one big Internet with one set of protocols, a handful of very complex software stacks everybody uses, and this situation should already be called a centralized one. Due to network effects and other, mostly with fake argument, kinds of pressure it doesn’t make sense for most people to use parallel systems.

    A de-facto conglomerate of companies, social groups, interests and ideas can be a monopolist too.

  • im sorry for being this rude, but Fuck of with that bullshit excuse.

    No you’re not, and no I won’t.

    I have Asbergers aswell, and have been arround a lot of other Autists.

    Well, I hadn’t, except for my sister, so, especially back then, I was desperately trying to have social things other have by effort.

    Going into offensive in that could look similar to what Musk posted.

    and at worst it could be considered a thinly veiled rape theat.

    At worst. I first took it as a very awkward attempt to seem magnanimous\friendly, plus Musk’s weird ideas about healthy relationships.

    Anyway, can he fulfill that threat were it a threat? No? Then it’d be similar to what 4chan inhabitants write. Inappropriate is not the same as evil. Though I guess he and the Internet would both benefit from cutting ties.

    As somebody with Aspergers i feel downright insulted that you attempted to blame this on ‘the sperg’.

    Well, sorry, but since I wasn’t aiming for you, irrelevant.

    hes in his 50s for gods sake.

    The say older people are more like kids, ha-ha-ha

    You are way too fucking serious and judgemental.

  • If we remove the outside resistance, no, just as likely simply because of being of genocidal species.

    If we don’t, then being genocided yourself and becoming treated specially because of that does, yes.

    First, because of being treated specially. Second, because of those likely to commit genocide supporting you to minimize their PR expenses, and thus your friends and allies being genocidal.

    Israel’s allies are like US and Germany, which, BTW, has made such notable apologetic actions and reparations only in case of the Holocaust, - they haven’t done anything except the official apology in case of Herero genocide, and their stance on the Armenian genocide was just recognizing it without criminalizing denial, and with very little attention to German Empire’s role in organizing it (basically German military advisors in the Ottoman Empire were involved in this as much as they were in actual warfare).

    I don’t think I need to say anything about US, even the political status of Native Americans in the US could be something better.

    But Israel is also friendly with Turkey - Israel has the PR advantage of being a genocide survivor nation, and Turkey has a resources and strategic position advantage of unpunished genocide perpetrator nation. One needs the resources help, another needs the PR help. They satisfy each other’s needs, and really a lot of basic goods in Israel are actually produced in Turkey. Even some military stuff.

    Strangely enough it’s the same with Germany - they are clutching at every opportunity to publicly support Israel, and wave that support against anything bad they do. “We are friendlier with Israel than you” is their indulgence against anything.

    This is, of course, solvable in the balancing way - Israel’s Holocaust PR should be universally shunned and condemned, their agent network investigated, exposed and controlled, and their military kicked out of Palestine, and Turkey should be kicked out with carpet bombings out of Western Armenia, Pontus, Assyria and Cilicia. It takes resources, like everything else. But the reward is huge for those of us not making money on suffering.

    The problem is the psychopatic way geopolitics work currently. Peaceful West Asia, less corrupt\poor Latin America, less uneducated\poor sub-Saharan Africa could make our whole world far richer and pleasant to live in. But it would definitely change all the elites and ways of existence of currently powerful countries.

  • but a culture where speaking up is frowned upon encourages victims to hide their abuse.

    It’s not. It’s a different part of the world with a different kind of conservatism.

    I wrote and deleted an anecdote, point is - it’s not a Western atomized society, extended family and friends and various other social ties play a bigger role and all of those help the victim more than the abuser in such an event. Unless we are talking about some hopelessly poor village.

    Frankly if those ties would work the same in Western “conservative” settings, those would probably improve over time.

  • This has always been the way of conservatism. Always.

    I have relatives in a rather conservative setting where swearing in presence of women is very bad, swearing at women is just dangerous, beating women is, well, not acceptable. Rape (with people knowing about it) means surrendering to the law is the rapist’s best option.

    Christianity differs in various places of our planet and so on.

    It’s still annoying to explain to my aunt that a single F-word in an article doesn’t mean it’s not worth reading further. I have not been successful in that, too.

  • May seem sad, but in fact good if really works this way.

    Since I’m in Russia and here shit went wrong (EDIT: after the last time shit went right) since Yeltsin using military to “resolve” a constitutional crisis in 1993 (not really a crisis, just when the Supreme Court says both Yeltsin and his opponents in the parliament should resign and have new parliament and presidential elections, that apparently is a crisis, because he’s the president, thus the boss and should be able to make all decisions ; that unironically was the main argument in support of Yeltsin, ex-Soviet people have a very weird idea of law and order, where the boss deciding something is “dura lex sed lex”, while referring to codified laws is “legal illiteracy”).