Thanks. That seems to be what I’m looking for.
Thanks. That seems to be what I’m looking for.
This sounds like a big assumption.
Oh that’s horrible. I’ve been assuming it’s “just” to sew instability for Putin, but if that’s an Elon thing that’s way more horrifying and a way bigger WWIII risk.
That is heartbreaking.
That can’t be real.
I had thought they were all corporate. Does tesla have non Tesla owned dealerships?
Yes, but not like you seem to be implying. These particular prisoners were being sent abroad for someone else’s slave trade.
I for one welcome your shitposts
It doesn’t feel slow. I still go there for a subreddit or two. It’s better at sucking me in than it used to be but the crap that’s it’s using feels like crap.
It seems the Democratic leadership intends to be complicit, also.
It’s not a surprise, liberals generally side with fascism. But it is disappointing.
Allen Turner the rapist? Rapist, Allen Turner? Who used to go by “Brock Turner The Rapist”?
The government is taking action, just not the action we’d like.
This is moronic, elitist, trash