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Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • It’s ugly af. Was that a project requirement or something? It looks like it has a fucking underbite lol.

    It is, but its pure function over form. If you want the whole story on this here’s a well done 13 minute youtube video: USPS Oshkosh NGDV Postal Van - Ugly by Design

    Short version for the ugly:

    • drivers need to stand up at full height inside for ease of use
    • drivers, when seated, need to see very close to the ground what is in front of them
    • drivers are not all the same torso height. Men are usually taller than women so you need a really tall windshield for very tall seated drivers, and very sharp and short hood for very short drivers.

    Its ugly, but is a very VERY functional design. I’d rather mail carriers are comfortable in their ride than feeling stylish.

  • The rate isn’t too bad actually, but when your household is a larger consumer anyway and you’re charging 2 EVs consumption gets up there. We have also switched to an induction stove, heat pump water heater, added a heat pump dryer, and just recently had our gas furnace ripped out and a cold climate heat pump put in for the HVAC.

    With all of that the electricity usage the bill goes up, but we can wipe it out with solar and now we don’t have natural gas bills or gasoline costs for transportation. The up front costs can be high with this approach, but the monthly bills are nearly non-existent.

  • Sorry for the long story, just sitting here late in bed not knowing what I should do.

    First, don’t put much weight in what me, as an internet stranger, is saying.

    I do see a psychiatrist

    That’s a much better source of advice.

    However, if it were me, I would not have him in my life. You have your own family and likely career. Imagine what he might do to both of those things. You said he has accused you of physically abusing him. Could you imagine him showing up at your employer saying those things and how that would affect your life? From what you’re describing he hasn’t changed a bit over all of these years. If you feel absolutely driven to do something for him, offer to pay for him to see a therapist. However, I don’t recommend even this. I’m reminded of the quote:

    “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” - Maya Angelou

    He’s chosen his path in life. Don’t let his poor choices negatively affect your life and your wife.

  • OP article is just pointless anecdotes telling us what we already know: that people will vote Trump, and do so thinking his policy will actually fix the fentanyl issue. That isn’t news. It’s influence fodder. Trump having a policy, and that policy being demonstrably ineffectual is news and shouldn’t have been buried under 8 paragraphs of rhetoric.

    I think you may missed the point of the article. Its not really an article about the Fentanyl crisis. It’s an article about political rhetoric.

    Remove the word Fentanyl and replace it with a number of other issues and the result is similar. Trump brags about doing things and talks tough but most of the time he does nothing. Democrats don’t really brag about it, but many times put plans and policy into action to address the symptoms or the underlying cause.

    The point of the article is that Democrats aren’t doing so well communicating to voters that Democrats are actually governing with action and solutions and not just talking. However without bragging about it, Democrats get no credit with voters. The article postulates that because of that communication failure, they are losing some votes to Trump. As in, this isn’t a policy failure on the part of Democrats, its a correctable communication failure.

  • Kale has a naturally high pH, so it’s basically just an antacid.

    I have mild reflux, but know what triggers it after what time of day and can make easy diet adjustments to avoid those triggers too late before bed. For whatever reason, I never considered looking at the alkaline level of the foods I eat. In just doing so now, I see a whole bunch of my regular diet. Have I been unconscious choosing these to mitigate my reflux? I mean, I seek out these foods (that I now know are alkaline) because I like them, but do I like them more than just for their taste?

  • The people who are pulled, are pulled because they have something in them that resonated with the right’s hate filled ideology.

    In my observation portions of conservative ideology may start with a valid premise or fact, but its quickly distorted or outright lied about with all supporting statements resulting in cesspool of vitriol that is today’s conservative ideology. It requires consumers to accept the base premise without the follow-on critical thinking.

    One common example I see a lot from them is something like “We don’t have enough money [at this exact second] to fix all the problems that exist”. That is actually a truthful statement. We have lots of problems and fixing them all RIGHT NOW would be monumentally expensive beyond any amount of money we have.

    The critical thinker would look at what money we do have, triage the many problems we have begin allocated what we have immediately to the most critical needs. In parallel, new funding sources should be sought to bring more money to bear on the vast number of remaining problems.

    Instead the conservative answer is “because we can’t fix ALL the problems RIGHT NOW we should fix NONE of them and give what little money we do have on hand to people that are rich who already have the most money and the fewest problems”.

  • In IT systems that I’ve been a part of that manage HIPAA data, there are access controls and audit trails required for compliance. The fact that the victims are receiving calls within mere hours of posting the request should make a very short audit trail. What will turn up is either the perpetrator’s user account, or possibly a non-related worker that had compromised account credentials (username/password). Even then it will show access from a specific IP address, and that IP address can be audited back to which piece of hardware (desktop, laptop, tablet) had that IP address at that time. From that point there are cameras and timeclock tracking.

    Since this has happened more than once, it is unlikely the exact same staff has been working at the same time for all the recorded incidents of leaks. Its a process of elimination problem at that point. Example using fake names of workers:

    Leak 1 workers:

    • Brie
    • Noah
    • Fatima
    • Dennis

    Leak 2 workers:

    • Noah
    • Fatima
    • Dennis
    • Maria

    Leak 3 workers:

    • Brie
    • Dennis
    • Maria
    • Sofia

    Leak 4 workers:

    • Dennis
    • Maria
    • Sofia
    • Miguel

    The leaker is Dennis as he is the only worker that was there on all 4 shifts when the request came in.

  • I can’t say I watch a lot of trump speaking (because I heard enough of that guy long ago). However, the few clips I’ve seen on trumps rambling feel like he’s trying to gain resonance with his audience (and failing). You can see pieces of this that worked for him during the the 2016 run. He’d mention some side topic, pause and watch for audience reaction, and if they responded favorable, he’d double down with a followup remark on that same topic. It many times came off looked semi-planned that that was where he was going to take the speech anyway back then even if that wasn’t the case.

    These days it looks like he’s fishing for an audience response, gets none, sometimes switches back to the original topic, doesn’t get a response, fishing again, no response, fishing again, no response, repeat. Its like he blew threw his good material, and is grabbing desperately for something his audience will cheer for. Chasing a dopamine hit of people cheering for what he is saying…and not getting it. I think this is also why he’ll occasionally bring up Obama or Hillary because those (in campaigns now long past) hit his crowd very well. Where now those old reference just confuse his audience because they’re not relevant to any political discussions today, but trump isn’t saying any of this for political effect, but just to hear a crowd cheer for him so that doesn’t figure into his immediate thought process.