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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • A different outlet did. The racist Lee who posted the cat thread said it was from “my neighbors daughters friend.”

    A fact check org interviewed the neighbor, and she said Lee was mistaken, and it was actually “a friends acquaintance.” So yeah, right off it became way more ambiguous.

    The other issue though is that in her racist tirade, Lee didn’t just mention a cat. She also said geese/ducks had gone missing from the parks, and said she confirmed that with park rangers and police. She of course had not.

    Most likely these two idiots got together, her and her neighbor, and each one ginned up part of the story, maybe literally. Then Lee posted it and “inadvertently” created a dangerously racist shitshow for her city and nation.

  • In no way is this clickbait. It’s a truly ugly thing that was done to these people.

    None of these people volunteered their bodies to science.

    The college made a deal with 2 Texas counties to take homeless peoples bodies, “try” to find their relatives, and if they couldnt, then sell their bodies to companies, hospitals and the US army. The college made $2 million+ selling these peoples bodies without consent, to the point where they were expanding their cadavers storage facilities.

    Can you see the issue with an organization that is responsible for finding the loved ones of these dead people, but is paid millions of dollars if they don’t? Turns out, after filing a foia request, the reporters were able to find dozens of these homeless people families, sometimes within minutes of trying. Many times there were active missing persons reports, or in one case the next of kin lived in the same city and had the same name as his deceased father. In one case, the family found out about their deceased father after he was already sold. To get him back, they were made to sign a waver allowing the donations. They sold the body again, and did not return it for 1.5 years. When they did, his ashes came in a box with a generic thank you letter and a bill of $56 for shipping.

    On publishing their results, the multimillion dollar corpse factory shut itself down and fired its directors. The two Texas counties working with them are opening investigations. When the reporters contacted the companies and the army about the bodies, they all confirmed that they thought the bodies came from intentional and purposeful donations. None of them knew the actual source.

  • Corporations hide crimes all the time, even when they are the victims. If the crime will lose them money in any way, either directly or from a reputation hit, it’s very likely a company will not report it.

    It only because the employees involved had their NDAs expire and confirmed they saw some very fucked up things that we know what he did.

    Twitch fired him publicly when he was one of their biggest streamers. It’s fully possible the explicitly sexual messages are a crime, but the parties involved, including the minor victim, did not want it reported.

    You can argue amazon should have reported it anyway if it rose to that level, but with none of the involved parties forcing the issue, it makes sense from a buisness stance not to.

  • The context makes this statement different.

    The above is the victim’s mother, who begged her not to marry her murderer. She says this after stating she found divorce papers in her daughter car after her death, which led her to believe he killed her because she was planning on leaving him.

    The above is a statement trying to help women to avoid brutal men to begin with, not blaming them for being victims. It’s saying “if he does this kind of shit, don’t put up with it like my daughter did. Get out immediately.”

  • The judge gave her drastically under the minimum recommendation sentence because she thought it was too harsh for the circumstances:

    explaining her sentencing decision, Chu said the case was unusual, and that Potter made a “tragic mistake” of thinking that she drew her taser instead of her firearm while in a chaotic situation.[11][140] Chu expressed that it was “one of the saddest cases I’ve had on my 20 years on the bench”.[141]

    I think they reduced it from 10 years to 2 years. The 16 months was parole.

    Personally I think she should have served the 10 years. Her and her partner pulled him over for having an air freshener on his rearview mirror and he got upset. When she and her partner were handcuffing him, she yelled “Taser! Taser!” And instead pulled her actual gun and fired it into his chest. She murdered that young man, a father, because she was an idiot.

    The most egregious part? She was a police trainer. She literally trained cops about policy and process, and still fucked it up. She was actually training the cop with her at the time when she murdered Wright.

  • Her post is incredibly racist hearsay from 3 people removed (her neighbor’s daughter’s friend). It describes a vile act that casts fault on 20k people in her local community.

    Shes expressing remorse because she did something vile and racist and now has everyone in the world looking at her and her actions.

    She doesn’t have anything to gain like Trump/Vance, so shes afraid she will have consequences in her life now that her racism and hate is so public. After the multiple days of bomb threats that have cleared local schools and city Hall, the fear has set in.

    That’s it. She didn’t apologize out of a sense of decency or remorse. Her apology is:

    “Well I’m biracial and gay, so I can’t be racist.”

    “I also didn’t realize this hate would go national, and now that the world is attacking these people and might attack me, I realize what I did was wrong.”

    “I’m so scared what I did will affect me, please don’t let it.”

    That’s not remorse. That’s someone running from the ugly thing they did, hoping to escape any consequence.

  • mosiacmango@lemm.eetoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldZeroTrust Your Home
    9 days ago

    Yes and no. The auditing is likely the harder part. You can use something like tailscale or nebula vpn to get the always on vpn/ACLs. With a dozen or two devices, it should be doable at a home scale.

    If you want clientless zerotrust then you’re talking heavier duty things like Palo alto gear and the like.

  • mosiacmango@lemm.eetoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldZeroTrust Your Home
    12 days ago

    ZeroTrust is a specific type of network security where every network device has its access to other devices validated and controlled, not a statement on the trustworthiness of vendors.

    Instead of every device on a LAN seeing every other device, or even every device on a VLAN seeing other devices on a VLAN, each device can only connect with the other devices it needs to work, and those connections need to be encrypted. These connectioms are all monitored, logged and alerted on to make sure the system is working as intended.

    You do need to trust or validate the tooling that does the above, regardless of what you’re using.