We would suddenly have very well maintained yards. At least as far as leaves go
We would suddenly have very well maintained yards. At least as far as leaves go
Or releasing wicked porn
Yeah, I went through a Rogan phase years ago back when he endorsed Bernie. He definitely was a little controversial even back then. I stopped listing as he got more controversial. I tuned back in briefly for the Trump and Rogan interview just out of curiosity. I was shocked to see how far Rogan has fallen.
For context, I’m a Gen Z man. I’m really disappointed the way my fellow Gen Z men are going.
I’ve gone on my own political journey being raised pretty conservative and becoming liberal as I met more diverse people. So honestly maybe Rogan should have always been a red flag, but I did look up to him for a while. I really wanted him to be a progressive voice, but it’s blatantly obvious now he is just as bad as the rest.
For me, there are just a few communities that are missing (or too inactive) here. For example, r/homekit. That being said, I haven’t made much of an effort to post, so I’m part of the problem.
“The American experiment endures”
Matter has been pretty good to me lately. Had to solve an Apple Home Hub issue, but it’s pretty rock solid now. My only complaint is switches could have less latency (I want near instant), but at least they are working consistently. I’m using Matter over Thread, not Matter over WiFi.
Chegg wasn’t much better from what I remember. Right before my Discrete Structures II Final, my professor found most of our assignments posted and answered on Chegg. Instead of getting angry, he explained problem by problem everything the “Chegg experts” got wrong.
And that doesn’t even get into planted incorrect answers. I’m pretty sure our computer science department would deliberately answer relevant chegg questions incorrectly. If you use that specific incorrect answer and work they know you cheated.
ChatGPT solves all of this and I bet it does so with about the same quality as Chegg. I’m not saying I don’t think AI dumb. I’m saying Chegg was also kinda dumb.
I had a linear algebra professor that taught on PowerPoint, would go so fast you couldn’t keep up with notes, and if you used your phone to take a picture of the board, she would stop the class to explain to you how the slides are her intellectual property and you couldn’t take photos.