Democrats…“Why I oughta…If I only…boy oh boy are you ever…sigh”.
Fuck bitcoin. Let’s bring back the beanie-baby as a monetary standard.
I miss the cheap big gallon jugs of egg cream shampoo you could buy in the 70’s. /s
Not everything.
That’s where I’m at. I got one for Christmas and then learned about all of the politicization after the fact. Now when I play Walkabout Mini Golf I have fun, but also hate myself for not throwing it all away.
The old “fire them all and then rehire them and add them to the job creation numbers” gambit.
I’m not joking and I am not a troll. I’m a billy goat, and I’m gruff. You shouldn’t call people names or attach attributes to them, worry about your own stance. There are lots of good citizen actions one can take but there is nothing wrong with getting angry when it is warranted. Sometimes a good “Fuck you” goes way further than cold calling organizations for donations, etc. There are enough people dong that already and we are still travelling a downward path. Maybe God will save us. Maybe the government will save us. Maybe you?
What is he supposed to do? At least he is letting the world know what he thinks. That’s something. Someone once told me that if you aren’t pissed off then you are not paying close attention. I don’t know about that. I prefer to be in good humour but sometimes I shake my head in anger and helplessness, so I can empathize.
Don’t feel sorry for that guy. He’s a hero. The only way for evil to take hold in any situation is for good men to do nothing (quote by Edmund Burke).
“My batteries keep dying for some reason, so I just buy new apple phones all the time!”
In northern Canada we have 63 names for “Trump”.
Why should we have ideals anymore? Wallowing in the muck is almost paradise. /s
Never lose your cool. Smile and talk to them like they are a three year old.
A criminal who lies and is greedily destroying his nations economy while demanding fealty and respect. That percentage should be lower and it makes me wonder whether the tinkering they are doing with their schools is finally working.
I recently left reddit for lemmy. More so because of the 51st state bullshit and calling our Prime Minister a governor, rather than the tariff’s and buy Canadian. Most of what I posted on reddit had no value and I hope to continue that honourable tradition here.
Can the US shut down the planes from afar? Why would Canada submit to this purchase if that is a factor?
Trump better not find out that some americans are unwilling to suffer for him.
“Donald. I will pay to make you President but you have to give me access to all admin information and buy a car from me.” E-Lawn.