I am a Meat-Popsicle

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Did I say prison? Because I’m pretty fucking sure I didn’t say prison.

    We don’t need bounty hunters in society. Using a bounty hunter to recover someone’s property who didn’t pay for it is the worst, well second worst outcome.

    Right now there is no straightforward repercussion for it. If you sign up for a loan to buy a car you sign up for an agreement to pay a bank. A car is not a primary possession they are allowed to recover their product. They are allowed to hire some lowlife who can afford a tow truck to come and try to steal it from you. We’re just begging for people to shoot people.

    How about the company who owns the truck gets a warrant to recover the truck, you hand over the truck, or you go to jail to await trial and post bail if you can. There’s simply no freaking way you can say that that’s better than hiring a bounty hunter to come and steal your shit.

  • You assholes love to put words in people’s mouths.

    Prison is a f****** overshot in any range of the imagination.

    What’s better threaten somebody with jail so they surrender their vehicle in peace or hire a bounty hunter to go and f****** steal it from them? The idea of a repo man is just absolute bullshit and you all know it. You already can’t take someone’s primary residence so they’re already on the f****** hook for repossession of non essentials only. I’m just abdicating that it’s better to use a warrant than it is to use some unqualified racist asshole that bought a used tow truck.

    Bounty hunters have no place in society.

  • I was working for a big company, middle upper level technical position.One of my ex co-workers went to work for Disney. He hooked me up with an interview. They flew me in, rented me a car.

    They brought me in to the interview. I sat around for about an hour and a half before they were ready. They came in and grilled me on uncommon proprietary Linux management packages. At the time I was managing a couple of 10,000 node clusters, had been running them for years. Of the four guys in the interview three of them just dismissed me. After the interview I headed out, wasn’t really mad but I was pretty disappointed the fourth guy pulled me aside and said I think they were being extremely unfair to you in there if you are really interested in trying to work your way in here reach out to me and I can advocate for you.

    After the interview I farted around LA for a couple of hours and then flew home.

    After some reflection I realized I really didn’t want to work with those other three guys. I never reached back out.

    4 months later Disney dissolved that department.

  • No he’s actually right, it’s a SOX thing. Not all companies do it but big ones with good legal departments generally do. Especially if they’re into shady s***.

    The concept rules like this: we delete all emails over 90 days old. If someone subpoena’s emails over 90 days old we simply say they don’t exist we delete emails over 90 days old and show them the policy. From there it gets a little more dicey if people cram stuff into local stores.

    From a corporate standpoint there’s a strong advantage to deleting all of your old emails and not keeping backups over 90 days especially for anything that might be legally questionable.

    That said with the advent of SAAS, there’s a hell of a lot of data out there that doesn’t ever go away even if you do your best to make it happen.

  • I was chaperoning on a school bus full of kindergarteners. They started chatting about the scariest movies they had ever seen. Some of them were talking about Goosebumps and some were talking about stuff in the realm of ET. The one little boy in my group looked up to me and said that stuff for babies that’s nothing. I said oh yeah? What are you watch. He said I like Jason I like Freddy I like Michael Myers. I asked him which scenes that he thought were the best and he actually seemed to have watched it all. I said so what did you think of IT by Stephen King. His eyes got wide and he said no no no no no no no. We’re not going to talk about that.

  • Oh I didn’t buy his book I just read it.

    And I’m here to tell people that it’s not worth their time or money. And I bring this up probably to the same 60 people every time just in case someone new happens to see it.

    I, however, don’t entirely agree on not watching Fox News. I certainly wouldn’t make it a habit of watching it but their coverage of the DNC was actually pretty enlightening. I was at a local pizza place the pizza is great but the family are of course staunch Republicans. We were stuck in the last booth in the place and I thought oh great I’m going to just have to deal with this s*** until the kids get their fill of pizza. But I occasionally looked up and found that they really had nothing. They bitched and complained about a bunch of stuff that was kind of nitpicky but for all the negative they wanted to sell they didn’t have anything meaningful to say about it. And that said a lot more than the actual CNN coverage of it.