My favorite things is January 2nd
Born a sconie right on Lake Michigan, lived in Iowa for a handleful of years for college, then moved to Sota where I live currently. Software Engineer for 20+ years, Ham Radio Operator, lover of retro graming, old time radio and the outdoors.
Mastodon: [email protected]
My favorite things is January 2nd
what do you think the results will be?
They will point to all the laws they ignored and say they apply. When you point out “hey you did the same thing” they will change the subject or ignore you comment. They know they are hypocrits and don’t care. They will do whatever it takes to win including cheat. So again I ask you what do you think will happen? I think the answer is nothing.
And it’s the same Republicans who said Supreme Court nominations shouldn’t happen right before an election and also voted in nominations right before an election. They don’t give us shit about anything. Why would we go through a stunt when they wouldn’t think twice about how they are hypocritics. they know then are, they just don’t care.
The SNL skit started in 89
It’s the party that lies through their teeth. Why on earth would you think they would admit anything?
I believe both came out in '89
all the holiday bullshit is over. no more traveling during the most dangerous weather of the year. no more seeing a ton of people out of obligation. no more shoving bronze age blood cult nonsense that just normalizes a beliefe system that promoted patriarchy, racism, misogyny and fear.