Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  •[USA] Presidential Debate Mega Thread
    9 days ago

    This is too stupid for me … I turned if off and will just watch the highlights tomorrow

    And this is supposed to be a contest for leadership of the most powerful, most developed, most modern nation in the world?

    The worst part of all this is that everyone on the planet will be affected by what Americans will decide on … and that is an absolutely scary idea.

  • The bewildering part for me is to watch an entire first world nation of millions of thoughtful people just allow all of this to happen and continue to happen.

    I gave up on Trump years ago (and I didn’t think much of him to begin with) … much of America is still holding on to him and that is the problem.

    Trump as a person and personality is not the problem … there are hundreds of people waiting on the wings just like him.

    It’s the American mentality and the people who support this stupidity that are the problem.

    It’s the American financiers and multi millionaires that enjoy funding and supporting this lunacy that are the problem.

  • Swappable hard drives

    I have a ThinkPad with easy access to the hard drive. It’s one screw, remove a small panel and slide out the hard drive, slide in a new hard drive and reinstall the panel and screw. It all takes about a minute.

    I have a drive for my Linux setup and another for windows.

    I gave up setting up dual boot setups because I’m not as skilled or capable and I’ve lost entire setups in the past due to updates and changes and it was constantly frustrating for me. So I figured that just swapping hard drives was the easiest for me. No configuration, no changes and neither OS can interfere with one another.

    I use my Linux as my daily driver for everything and windows when I need something from windows. I only ever use windows maybe once a month or once every second month. I spend more time regularly updating windows than in actually using it.