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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Israel was created by the British who made a deal with zionists without including any input from the Palestinians already living there. The British divided up the land, but that wasn’t enough for the zionists who carried out terrorist attacks to drive out the people already living there. When Israel was established, the nearby countries responded appropriately to a tool of western imperialism being propped up right in their general region. We’ve all seen how Israel has poisoned the land both figuratively and literally, so those countries were right to respond the way they did.

    The US being built on stolen land isn’t right either and we should take stronger steps towards reparations. That doesn’t excuse the genocide that Israel is carrying out right now. It’s better to stop it earlier than later. Israel is hoping to destroy Palestine and pretend like nothing could have been done while they were doing it, then after it’s done they’ll shrug their shoulders and say it’s all in the past. Do not give them excuses.

  • Car companies don’t care, they think the tech gives them an excuse to charge more even though a lot of the tech is actually cheaper (a single touch screen instead of all kinds of knobs and buttons) plus it’s a way for them to collect more of your data to sell. Before buying my next vehicle, I want to make sure I can easily disable its internet functionality through hardware so that it doesn’t phone home.