Spending less money on fast fashion and bullshit could actually be a good thing
Spending less money on fast fashion and bullshit could actually be a good thing
Cancers just one or those bad ROI things
Like you’ve got enough money surely you’d have solved cancer by now?
Sometimes you need to “I dunno” totally slash the funding to stimulate the industry a bit you know?
Up the experiments, swirl more chemicals in your chemistry set and get us results!
It’s like arguing with someone who goes into specifics and then overtime pulls them back.
“I only have a problem with hispanic, illegal, transgender immigrants”
“I only have a problem with immigrants”
“I only have a problem with you”
No fucking way this is real
Think about it, if I was gay, voted republican and sees this regression to pre gay times , I would sure as shit be too embarrassed to say anything and there’s no way I’d post about it
If I actually voted for someone and regretted it, I wouldn’t tell anyone, I’d just have to swallow that one up and feel like shit for the next few years.
So I’m left wondering if people who films themselves saying it actually mean it or are they trolling. Remember the whole conversatice spiel is that “it’s all a joke” and they’re all just “trolling”?
Like they’re not really going to deport all the Hispanics or they’re not really going to annex Canada, Panama Canal and Greenland or they’re not really going to leave Ukraine hanging like that or they’re not really going to launch a trade war with everyone or they’re not really going to dismantle all social services and federal government or they’re not really going to start doing dictator things
Like it’s all just a joke, so you should just chill you “transgender libtards”
So much space junk….
People can spend their money on whatever they like and invest in whatever they choose. I’ve always taken a position that I want to invest in things that make sense to me and ideally something that would improve the world in some way
Yes please
I’m so sorry but you have to spell this out to me
What is the difference between lemmy and lem.ee? And I suppose I should ask “where am I?”
Is this like people individually hosting their own reddits?
Alright where next? I’m not invested in this space
You know it’s so simple to just click a different app and go back to infinite scrolling the way I’m used to.
I’m not a fussy user, I don’t get all up in arms over changes in functionality or whatever. It’s also nice not to see orange man on the internet whenever I scroll
I’m looking for a study group for a specific maths textbook I’m reading
Discord math forum is too big and my queries get swamped so I don’t use it
I’d appreciate some advice on this and also how to develop my federated use of the internet