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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group.

    Putting my PoliSci cap on… Most Americans would say, “Two wrongs don’t make a right. Being racist today isn’t a valid fix for the harms of people being racist yesterday.” And that’s why Republicans win when Democrats focus too much on racial issues - the 7 in 10 perceive it as a new form of racism directed at them.

    Do you want to be right at all costs? Or do you want to win this election?

  • Now you’re twisting my words. I’m not trying to defend Republicans. I’m trying to help you understand the nature and intent behind their words so you realize they aren’t as dumb as you think. Respect thy enemy and all that.

    Most Californians think hiring based on race is wrong, and racist. Across the country, the margins on that get even better.

    Republicans are just playing into that. You can downvote me all you want, but it doesn’t change the political reality of the situation.

    Edit: I just checked - 7 in 10 Americans oppose affirmative action (reverse racism). To quote Biden, “It’s a fact, Jack!” You may support it, but that doesn’t make it a winning campaign strategy.

  • Not exactly. It’s more that they are questioning Biden’s decision to only consider black women for certain roles (VP, Supreme Court Justice). They know affirmative action polls poorly, so they’re attacking him where he’s weak.

    Americans, by and large, want people to be selected based solely on ability. They want everyone to have a fair chance - but despise the idea of guaranteed slots being held open for people who look a certain way. Even California outlawed affirmative action.

    This isn’t the terrible double-standard you think it is - just a decently calibrated political attack.