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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023

  • If this was a factory farm and people were maybe going to eat the animals after the torture, it would still be just as deprived. Remember this next time your order your burger or chicken strips. If you are disgusted by this, as you absolutely should be, then pay the extra 30% for fairly treated animals. If you don’t know where your food is coming from then it is probably from torturous factory farms.

    You can do better and the animals deserve better. This isn’t even a call for veganism, just a call for making sure that the animals you eat at least get to live without being tortured like they are at nearly all factory farms. There is plenty of factory farm footage out there for anyone who wants to bury their heads in the sand and pretend like torture isn’t routine for most of the animals raised for meat.

    The fact that it’s common doesn’t make it morally justified.

    If my comment upsets you, then it is almost certainly your own actions that are actually upsetting you.

  • There is a very good reason why you can’t even attempt to explain your justification for factory farms and all you can do it say “…aka the dumbest take”.

    You have no moral justification, all you have is childish selfishness with no regard for anyone but yourself. Your entire life has lead up to the best you can do is try to tear down compationate people because you think it will give you a temporary feeling of not being disgusting.

    You could do better, but first you need to at least want to develop will power and self control. I hope for your sake that you never have to experience the hell that you so giddily inflict on others.

  • Imagine you go over to someone’s house, and as soon as you walk in, you get overwhelmed by the smell of feces. You walk into the living room, and there is a dog in a cage that it barely fits into. The cage is so tight around its body that it is unable to turn around. You realise there are inches of fecal sludge caked into the bottom of the entire cage. Upon close inspection, you realise that the teeth of the dog have been removed. You are told that by removing the teeth, it can’t bite. You ask how it doesn’t get so sick that it dies, and you are shown a handful of pills that it is given that fight off its infections and diseases.

    You are absolutely disgusted, and you rightfully say so. The response of the owner is this, “This is the same tired argument of ‘Nobody can have pets!’ That always gets brought up.”

    This is exactly what you just did.

    I never said anything about anyone not being allowed to eat meat, but you have been so conditioned that whenever anyone points out how bad factory farms are, you immediately try to defend them by acting like the only possible way to eat meat is to do it that way. This is not because you are an idiot, it is just because of how clever and motivated the bastards that are doing this to animals are. They are able to convince good-meaning, kind people like yourself to fight on their defense whenever anyone tries to chalange them.

    There are many people, now, and all throughout history, that eat meat in a way that is not deplorable, but that way doesn’t make large factory farms rich, it doesn’t put more money into the billionaires pockets. So, they recruited you, and many others to work for them. They are very smart, and they succeeded.

    By the way, I have no idea how you’ve taken anything Isaid to mean that I think it is OK to machine gun dolphins if you also eat chickens. I never said anything remotely like that. I agree whole-heartedly that that is, indeed, a very dumb take.

  • This is a really great way to phrase it. I am very curious to see if this difference in phrasing would really be received differently than the more blunt approach, which certainly doesn’t seem to work for most people. Hopefully, we will all have AIs soon that can spoon feed anyone who can’t connect the dots on their own.

    It blows my mind that people can be reminded of the mass slaughter that is happening daily and think that it must somehow be excusing the one-off brutal slaughter of an individual. I always just assume that people hate to be reminded of the implication of their “sustainable” wild caught tuna or whatever.