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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • What terrifies me is the number of elevators I’ve been in that haven’t been inspected since the pandemic started.

    Elevator cables are a consumable, they wear down faster than one would think. And while elevators are fairly safe machines with redundant safeties, I’m worried we’re going to see a big uptick in accidents. And that’s just elevators, I don’t want to even think about all the other infrastructure that hasn’t been inspected in years that could fail at any time. Pumps, backflow preventers, bridges, and dozens of other things need regular inspection and maintenance.

  • But he can still borrow against the value of those shares.

    That’s how these parasites afford all their private jets and other insane luxuries. They just pull out loans against the value of their stock holdings, pay accountants to make sure it’s never a problem, and essentially spend their money while keeping it too.

    It’s insane, because they essentially never have to pay taxes on anything but their personal income, and then you have grifters like musk who don’t even take salaries and just live off the loans.

  • If your flight is on a Boeing aircraft, you’re likely in the same situation as the astronauts.

    What I can’t understand about this situation, is they’ve apparently been studying the craft’s helium leaks this whole time. But, as far as I’m aware, they’ve done 1 EVA to look at the thing. How are they inspecting the physical condition of hardware(pipes, seals, welds, brazed joints) via software from the ground and the results of one EVA. I also can’t see NASA giving the green light to really strip the Starliner to the guts while it’s attached to the space station, so did the astronauts even get a chance to look closely to find these leaks. A quarter of my job is finding leaks in high pressure piping systems, and you often have to really get in there and remove all the panels to pinpoint a leak. I highly doubt nasa has allowed the crew to rip apart a space capsule the same way I would rip apart a rooftop unit.

  • I’m not holding my breath until it actually happens.

    This whole trump business has shined a studio spotlight on how blatantly corrupt the US justice system is.

    If you had some random dude on trial for fraud or theft of government property, he’d be in jail that night with a bond so high no bond company would touch it with a ten mile pole. If that same dude then threatened jury members during selection, he’d already have a trial date for tampering with the jury.

    But trump is a rich boy and a former president, so he gets to walk free and threaten all the jurors he wants, with only his lawyers getting a stern talking to. It’s a joke. The wealthy have long been protected from the legal system by the legal system, and this whole trump fiasco has only highlighted how blatant it is. He said the quiet part out loud back in 2016 when he said he could shoot a man on 5th avenue and walk away. He knew the game, and knew nothing he did would earn him real consequences due to his wealth and status.

    Until I see him in cuffs on his way to a jail, I’m just going to assume the system is working exactly how it was designed to.