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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • On one hand, sure, I have eyes and a mostly functional memory. It seems clear cut. Incredibly lucky shitbag.

    But on the other hand, as a proper American I know that the more money and fame you have, the more of a smart person and good human you are. It’s just a rule of nature. And if you’re a terrible parent estranged from your own children, that just shows how dedicated you are to the mission! How else are we going to get teslas and iPhones?

    Hopefully I don’t need the /s, but Poe’s law exists for a reason.

  • As an American, this line short circuited my brain:

    Police there still carry guns on the regular

    I live in a quiet but growing suburban town that’s closer to rural areas than the nearest city. When I walk my kid to elementary school (how European of us, lol) the police officer working as a crossing guard for the kids still has their gun, taser, bulletproof vest, and all their other gear on.

    And it’s not a school-specific thing. You just never see cops without their weapons here. Armed and armored is just part of the uniform, essentially.

  • That’s the proprietary app container system pushed by Canonical who maintains Ubuntu. That’s as opposed to something more widely accepted like flatpak. I’m not an expert on everything Canonical has done to piss of the FOSS community, but I think snaps are the biggest one.

    And in regular old Linux Mint Cinnamon you don’t have to deal with that, and you can still lean on Ubuntu’s apt repositories.

  • My first was Sun Solaris Unix, but now I’m a middle aged engineer who wants to fix company product issues rather than personal workstation issues, and Mint rocks my socks.

    The mundanity of my computer working seamlessly every day is right up there with the mundanity of my car starting every morning, as far as how much it bothers me, lol.

    But there’s nothing wrong with messing with your car’s engine or your computer’s OS, obviously. Some people are just in a place where they want to do that and some aren’t.