It doesn’t even need to be a side quest, just a second screen activity lol
They’ll do it for pennies an hour for 12 hours a day.
It doesn’t even need to be a side quest, just a second screen activity lol
They’ll do it for pennies an hour for 12 hours a day.
It was Blairmore in CNP.
I hate driving so the prospect of driving half an hour to get groceries was torture.
My condo has 3 grocery stores within walking distance and 3 low cost grocers within biking distance.
I didn’t appreciate that until I moved away lol
Speaking from the Oval Office on Wednesday, Trump delivered a blow to the cross-border auto trade, vowing to bring in a new 25 per cent tariff on finished vehicles imported into the United States, starting next week.
I feel like we’re about to see a spike in unfinished vehicles that are missing windshield wipers, headlights and oil filters being sent to US factories.
I’m not so sure about the lower prices thing. Gas prices were higher, grocery prices were way higher due to lack of competition and remoteness, and house prices were high due to a total lack of development and it being a somewhat touristy area.
Winnipeg has such a cool mix of architecture. It feels like an unplanned mess of different eras when you’re going through the financial district.
If I lived in a high cost of living place I’d probably move to Winnipeg.
I was referring to the child.
Children don’t get to pick their name or their parents.
No, because it’s speculation.
It’s far more comfortable to think it’s being done for some malicious reason rather than out of stupidity or fear.
I lived in a small town. There were annual events for the community and multiple churches. There were also expensive outdoor hobbies like skiing in the winter.
That was literally everything.
Cities have the issue of there being so many things going on it’s hard to chose and quality free and low cost events have a hard time breaking through the noise. But things like this are the exclusive privilege of existing in cities:
I was going to make that joke too but given the real victim of the punchline is someone who had no ability to consent or exercise control in the situation it doesn’t feel right.
The system will only scale if there are enough desperate poor people. Otherwise it quickly become too expensive.
You can also get MMORPG players to do it for pennies per hour for in-game currency or membership. RuneScape players would gladly control 5 ‘autonomous’ cars if it meant that they could level up their farming level for free.
The game is basically designed to be an incredibly time consuming skinner box that takes minimal skill and effort in order to maximize membership fees.
Gender: 1x38b
Zoning and burdensome outdated (often copycats from US laws rather than EU) regulations are two of the worst barriers and represents a large reason we have so little innovation.
Good YT video from a Canadian creator on an example of this:
The actual solution was burried at the bottom of the article:
But here we can take another page from the wartime playbook: the massive construction of housing by the government. We don’t need to rely on profit-seeking developers to build our housing. The government could do it, like it did during the period around WWII.
Government-built and -run housing side-steps the profit requirement altogether. With that out of the way, the focus can return to building the kind of housing people need, in the places where they need it.
Rent controls are lazy policy used by negligent governments who have failed to act until a crisis is reached. If the problem is greedy landlords you don’t try to ban being greedy, you force them to compete. If they can’t, you just build until everyone is housed and congratulate yourself for being so efficient.
But that’s not even possible because we have terrible zoning practices in many places and lots of outdated legislation that adds too much cost to projects. Ever wonder why we don’t have any multi unit buildings beyond fourplexes and giant condo complexes? You can thank outdated, ineffective laws related to stairwells for that one.
stop what he called “handouts to insiders.”
Isn’t his career one of those? Lol
Canada charges a 300% tariff on dairy.
How much product was tariffed at that rate in 2024?
I agree, but I think it’s necessary. Perhaps rather just the CPP the shares could belong to various different public pension funds.
There is too much risk that a second step won’t be possible, or will be made ineffective.
You don’t wait until the enemies are at the town center to build walls.
Currently there is no meaningful cost to platforms for the consequences their inaction causes. Facebook’s contribution to the Myanmar genocide is well documented and yet the lawsuit against them was dismissed in the US. It would be outright dangerous to assume responsibility or good faith from these large platforms.
Not only can you get a private taxi for your burrito but you can get it on a payment plan…
“I’m available for a call, but you know, we’re going to talk on our terms as a sovereign country, not as what he pretends we are,” Carney told reporters in Newfoundland on the second day of a general election campaign.
Carney is so snarky and bitter, I love it.
Gotta love loading a mobile webpage and 20% of it is readable text and the rest is advertising.
The human operators are there for when the AI gets softlocked in a situation where it doesn’t know what to do and just sits there, not for regular driving.