• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • The highest frequency I see of it is when issues are discarded when it is an issue with men. Be it homelessness, suicide, job inequality, domestic violence or any other issue. But not for women. It seems men are worthless in a lot of people’s eyes because they aren’t women.

    Or equally men are responsible for all the bad things in the world because simply they are men and men are responsible. For example a common issue is when men say they open up to a woman and that women used that to attack them. Then someone might say this is the patriarchy and toxic masculinity in action and men need to sort it out. Even though the man has done absolutely nothing wrong only the woman. Deflecting any responsibly from women doing something they shouldn’t have.

    The inequality of responses from those being harmed, or undervalued and those responsible for the negativity seems at times strongly dependant on if it is a man or a women.

    At least that is what I have seen mostly. But I’m more curious about others.

  • It’s very fucked up what people perceived has healthy now.

    I’ve been in fairly decent shape my whole life but the amount of people, especially women, that tell me I’m too skinny and that I need to gain weight. Even when I’m actually closer to being overweight than underweight. Or how many times I seen someone point to someone on steroids or fat and say that they are healthy.

    It’s got to the point where kids need to be educated. I wouldn’t even be against weighing them. If they obese then it’s also child abuse and the parents fault.

    People think now if you can see/feel ribs or have any muscle tone (while not being a body builder) it means you’re underweight. That’s how humans are meant to be built! Go look at hunter gathers tribes or any active person pre the 90’s.

    Shit even dogs are fat nowadays.