Self-taught aspiring software enginner (PY/JS/RS) and Amateur Photographer (A42 5G/L830/Mini 3 Pro). My Website is here (no uptime gurantees, self-hosted on my Pi 4 with CF tunnels). I mostly play Ace Combat, Brick Rigs and Minecraft.
1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023
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You could look at some more used ThinkPad options like a T470 or a T480. They can often be found for cheap refurbished on eBay. I would also take a look at online benchmarks to see what fits your requirements. In my experience, that works better than looking at spec sheets.
A T480 is about 500 euros, just as much as a T14, but with a worse CPU.
A T480 is about 500 euros, just as much as a T14, but with a worse CPU.