Yeah, except most people suck.
Last time I mentioned lemmy I was almost banned.
Yeah, except most people suck.
Last time I mentioned lemmy I was almost banned.
It’s pretty sad a lot of people are dumb and racist.
They don’t hate immigrants, they just hate assholes. And being an asshole is not related to where you’re from. Shitty right wing politicians just want to make everyone believe it’s immigrants.
Some of the worst people I know have been born and raised in the country I live in.
Because they can get away with it. They see how putin and Trump can basically do anything and the populace just let’s them. So why shouldn’t they too?
Monkey see, monkey do…
Reminds me of horizon zero dawn.
Man I wish my online friends were that easy to switch.
As soon as I mention Lemmy “what’s wrong with reddit”. As soon as I mention element “but everyone uses whatsapp/discord”.
It suck that 90% of the people are stuck in their old ways and refuse to try anything new.
Hell I almost got banned for even mentioning lemmy once.
Chickens need food, shelter and care.
While I think it’s fun to have chickens, I’d hate to think of people getting chickens just for food and neglecting then otherwise. And there are a lot of people out there who only care about money (and not animals) sadly.
Sad but true. I switched to Linux mint for private use.
Thanks I’ll definitely check that out. I’ve seen some posts about it working on Synology Nas devices so that’s very interesting.
While both of those are great software. Unless I’m not aware of something they aren’t cloud/network based office suites like Google docs and office 365.
It seems this is an alternative to office software where you can work simultaneously and share documents in the same cloud/network.
I don’t think there is an alternative to office 365 and Google docs at this point that is open source. So this seems like a great project and I’ll definitely be considering it for our company.
Well, I don’t disagree with you. All I’m saying is that I’ve personally seen the downvote function being abused a lot. It kinda works for making interesting posts visible but in the comments it usually leads to certain arguments (even civil ones without insulting or trolling) being downvoted and hiding the comment. Karma is honestly meaningless to me, I just enjoy conversations and seeing different opinions even if I disagree with them. I see why it exists and in a perfect world it’s a great way to make moderation manageable on bigger platforms (like reddit and lemmy). Sadly we don’t live in a perfect world.
Trolling and insults usually break rules and can be reported. Comments like that deserve all the downvotes they get since they detract from discussion and don’t add to it. Although honestly most forums I visit deal with that pretty well too (with no karma system in place).
Well ideally that’s how downvoting should work yes. In practice it’s abused a lot as a “I disagree” button.
Honestly, I don’t even like the downvote/upvote system because it promotes censorship and a lot of the times it’s just an agree/disagree button. I feel that no matter how right or wrong someone is, they should always be able to express their opinion in a civil manner (obviously there are mods for removing rule breaking posts/comments). Downvoting just kills any discussion.
Yeah, it’s kinda sad but that will probably happen.