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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Several things.

    1. Everyone seems to be stuck on the fact that travel to get here would be interstellar and that’s impossible. Another hypothesis could be that they’re inter-dimensional or ultra-terrestrial, possibly living in the ocean.
    2. The famous videos released by DOD and reported on in the NY Times.
    3. If the accounts of these videos by trained military pilots is to be believed then a) they can accelerate many times beyond what any known military craft can to the point where the structural integrity of any known aircraft would fail. b) They were observed entering and exiting the water.
    4. If a) then maybe our smartphone cameras cannot see them clearly due to speed or cloaking technology. I’d point to the “Jellyfish” video leaked this year where the UAP was captured by infrared only. Source.. Most normal cameras can’t see lots of things.
    5. Kirkpatrick was clearly running diversion tactics on this issue before he left to the Department of Energy. He lied about meeting with individuals about Skinwalker Ranch (the individual produced receipts), he’s purposefully deceptive with his wording - “aliens”, “UFOs” when asked specific questions about Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) and UAP, and gets the facts about the most famous cases wrong when trying to discredit them. Most recently he claimed that one of the videos was an optical illusion because it was filmed during the day but the video was in fact filmed at night.
    6. J Allen Hynek, head of Project Bluebook, which was a government program to debunk UAP. The guy who coined the phrase “Swamp Gas”. He finished his work with Bluebook and basically did a 180 and for the rest of his life claimed the government had pressured him into coming up with debunking theories. He believed in UAP and became an advocate for the rest of his life. Why?
    7. Rendlesham Forest case, which prompted the US Government to medically pay one of the soldiers who was subject to the phenomenon.
    8. The former Canadian head of our DOD and other very senior government officials which speak freely after retirement and say that there is a coverup. Recently Harold Malmgren presidential advisor to Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford, claimed that he was briefed on “Otherworld Technologies.” Obama saying famously in that interview that there are things in our skies and we don’t know what they are. He could have just said no they’re not real - why didn’t he?
    9. Famous reports in WW2 of fighter pilots seeing metallic orbs, just like the ones still reported today. There was no drone tech back then.

    What would be enough proof if what we’re dealing with is beyond our current comprehension? Do they need to trot it out on live TV? Lyme disease wasn’t discovered until relatively recently like the 70s or 80s iirc and it was because a Doctor got it. Up until then they were saying it was juvenile arthritis.

    I’m just saying that there has been a lot going on recently if you pay attention.

    Either a lot of really high level officials are lying or military/intelligence is. Knowing how going public with this stuff can ruin your life, what possible motivation would they have to lie. There is no big money in this.

  • Our parties are more left leaning than US ones, yeah. So the left-most leaning party, the NDP is the Bernies and AOCs. Just slightly to the right of them but not by much are the centre-left (some could argue centre, for Canada) Liberals aka US Dems but these are still left of the US Dems. Then you have the Conservatives who used to be centre right but they’re really flirting with being firmly right which is STILL to the left of the US Repubs. So yeah, we’re pretty left.

    Here’s a good breakdown someone wrote on the other site:

    There’s a Daily Show from back in the Stewart days when Harper’s Conservatives won the federal election in Canada. The line went something like:

    “Right wing parties are winning everywhere! In Canada, the Conservative Party, or as we’d know it here, the Gay Rainbow Alliance, has won their election.”

    If that gives you any idea.

    The NDP are mostly in-line with the further left of the Dems, but realistically, the Liberals are only slightly more towards the centre than them. The Conservatives are historically right of centre, but still left of most of the American center. That was largely true before the Progressive Conservatives failed, merged with the Reform party, and became the Conservative Party of Canada.

    That said, the Conservative parties have been moving further right in recent years. Some of this was because their supporters were generally finance, oil, large corporations, etc., so the policies they pushed forward were usually beneficial to them. But more recently they’ve been pursuing a lighter version of US-style populism. Mostly though, their platform for the past 3 leaders seems to be “aren’t you sick of Trudeau yet?” because they don’t have much substance in anything else they claim to support.

  • Yes thank you. It didn’t read as natural - that’s the word.

    It’s disheartening that one can’t disagree on this topic without being eaten alive. I’m not saying elect Donald Trump and the couchfucker or anything ffs. Plus, I’m Canadian - so probably more left leaning than any US Dem - and as I’ve expressed, I really want the US to get their shit together.

    I’ve done Toastmasters. I’m a writer for a living. I know how to give feedback on speeches. I also acknowledged that not every speech is received the same way by every viewer.

    I’m not even saying she’s bad - I’m just saying she could be GREAT with more practice. I don’t understand why this is a shocking thing to say.

  • There’s nothing holding her back from being a great speaker like Obama. She needs more time and practice to develop her skills further to get to that next level. And maybe a better speechwriter.

    I’m definitely a fan of hers, but felt that this could have been executed better. She did not have a lot of vocal variation and came out blazing fairly early on in the speech. Not going to rewatch it, but that was my perspective from last night. At one point I was like whoa Kimberly Guilfoyle, take it down a notch.

    I do understand the need to be angry but it’s much more impactful when vocal variation, pitch, tone and volume are employed more effectively to build toward the anger.

    Response because I can’t post to thread?

    Yeah it was a solid debut but I’m excited for her to get better. Compare and contrast with Harris’ childhood friend and she obviously was better than that. It just doesn’t inspire me to make people watch it because I don’t think it was at that level.

    To be fair, the news showed people straight up crying at Clinton’s speech and I didn’t think that was amazing either.