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The classified plans aren’t allowed out of the SCIF and the phone isn’t allowed in the SCIF. Anything you learn in the SCIF cannot be stored, shared, or spoken about outside of a SCIF especially on electronic media. If anyone in the military did this, like lets say Chelsea Manning, and shared it with a journalist, like say Julian Assange, they would end up in prison for a while.
Getting blackout drunk and sending texts isn’t uncommon for raging alcoholics. Source: I used to be an alcoholic (sober for 6 years)
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My uncle used to carry a cap and ball revolver. If you ever need to use a gun for something wrong, muzzle loaders, cap and ball revolvers and shotguns are the way to go. The lead can’t be connected back to the gun through ballistics. But at least they aren’t dangerous like brass knuckles or nunchaku.
What American swords are there? Where would I find a blacksmith? Americans don’t know how to make anything anymore.
Cannons might not be covered because they are not bearable by a human. I don’t know.
Spoken Japanese isn’t too bad. It is more logical and sensible than English. The problem is the writing system they use. Kanji makes learning to read very difficult, even for people who grow up in Japan. Many adults can’t read at a high school reading level because of kanji. Having a simpler writing system like Koreans do would make learning Japanese a lot easier.
Not all of us gaijin are tourists. I have permanent residency and I would love to find a cheap house far from the noise and smoke. Do you know where I can look up houses like this?
I’m an atheist, ghosts scare me about as much as gods do. I would use the money I spend on rent now to build a geodesic dome house. They are easy to build. Put some solar panels on it and get grid electricity for backup. If there’s a house, there is probably a well on the property already. I have permanent residency in Japan. I don’t care if the neighbors are racist assholes. I don’t interact with my neighbors in Tokyo; I wouldn’t interact with the neighbors there either. Where can I find more houses like this? I want one.
I lived in Florida for a while. Nearly all of the Cubans there were racist redhats and loved Trump. They fucked around and now they get to find out.
Sap gloves are easy to make and not obvious. A pair of gloves with powdered lead sewn into little pouches over the knuckles and along the knife edge of the hand. A slap or punch will quickly put someone on the floor. Lots of cops wear them. You can get them online.
By the logic of Massachusetts, you only have a right to a muzzle loader and a sword then. What would they say if I were walking around in Boston with a katana or a British officer’s sabre?
Michigan also forbids pepper spray and stun guns. They interpret the right to bear arms as the right to make gun manufacturers rich. By the way, a pistol also fits in one hand and can be used to inflict serious injury. Pistols also get used to ambush people. Ever heard of armed robbery?
Unfortunately, the takeover of the US government by billionaires isn’t fictional anymore. If Musk and the others get their way, the Supreme Court will be disbanded or powerless. The Senate and House will have no control over the government’s spending which is their constitutional role. All government power will be vested in the presidency and he will be their CEO. The billionaires will be a board of directors that gives the CEO / President his orders.
Musk and the other tech-Nazis who invested in Trump want to tear down the government and replace nations with individually owned territories, which each of these corporate criminals will run like a personal fiefdom. Think 13th century feudalism but with internet and cars. A bunch of lords owning everything including the people. “Freedom Cities” that will be wholly owned and operated by your corporate overlords.
I call asphalt roads and parking lots terrorism. An act of destruction meant to disenfranchise us from nature and natural resources.
If Presidents can run for a third term, I want to watch Trump get destroyed by Obama, when he also runs for a third term.
Thank you for informing me.