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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Similar to cops, there’s gonna be big acab type “all religious are assholes” soon if the good apples don’t start taking care of the bad apples.

    There are a lot of good religious people out there, from many religions, who aren’t forcing their way of life on others, who spend their time trying to be loving and care for their neighbor. What precisely they’re supposed to do about the “bad apples” of religious people isn’t very clear. I can’t exactly report the Southern Baptist Church to Internal Religious Affairs.

    I am not responsible for the views of other religious people. I’m responsible for my own views. I can argue with those who disagree with me, but I cannot force them to stop being controlling assholes.

    Maybe, just maybe, making assumptions about people based on associations they may not actually have is a bad idea. Maybe the world is more complicated than that.

  • About 2.5 years ago I left behind Android and went to the Dark Side. Bought an iPhone. It was frustrating to use at first because changing OS is a pain in the ass, but I got used to it and actually really like it now.

    But I still have two big complaints:

    There ought to be some kind of icon in the toolbar to show me I have unread notifications. I miss this very much from Android, which would show icons for the apps that have notifications. The Apple Watch solves this by having a notification icon, but I shouldn’t need to buy a separate device for that functionality.

    I cannot stand that I can only go back by swiping from the left side of the screen. On Android the swipe in gesture from either left or right side could be set up to be the “back” action. I understand why this is, Android developed with a dedicated back button and thus has an OS-level back command, whereas iOS is highly contextual and you flow through apps and menus differently than Android, and it has no dedicated universal “back,” so swiping in from the left is back and swiping in from the right is forward. It makes using a large screen one-handed unnecessarily difficult.

  • Oddly enough, I agree with the Republicans on this one: you should be a citizen in order to vote.

    But you already have to be a citizen in order to vote. They’re arguing you need to prove citizenship to register to vote.

    Registering to vote shouldn’t be like applying for a passport. Declaring you are a citizen and facing criminal charges if you lie about it ought to be sufficient, especially given that we do not have any systemic issues with non-citizens voting.

    But of course, Republicans want their base to believe we have systemic issues with non-citizens voting, despite investigation after investigation finding this isn’t the case. Turns out there’s no good reason to potentially get yourself imprisoned or deported just to cast a ballot, and non-citizens aren’t idiots.

    Republicans want to make voting less accessible, because the more disadvantaged a person is the less likely they are to have the time and capacity to bring proof of citizenship to an office to register to vote, rather than just doing it online (as many states will let you do). And limiting voting access is always a winning strategy for conservatives.

  • the companies shouldn’t have allowed it to happen, JPMorgan was aiding in check fraud

    If I’m understanding what happened correctly, this is mistaken.

    Banks let you deposit checks, and optionally make the funds available to you immediately because they trust you (sometimes for a small fee).

    If you deposit a bad check, pay the service fee, withdraw the amount, and then fuck off with the cash, that’s not a glitch. That’s just you committing check fraud.

    Sometimes people NEED to get the cash the same day they deposit the check. This is a legitimate function of banking and we shouldn’t be blaming the company when people take advantage of it.

    We should be blaming the trolls who spread this “glitch” and tricked rubes into committing fraud. And perhaps whoever was responsible for raising and educating said rubes.

  • “Coprime” is the operative qualifier of the original comment.

    I did say that 8 and 12 weren’t coprime.

    You can’t do what Steve Martin did with coprime amounts of buns and dogs because they can never evenly go into one another. You’ll always have leftovers.

    That isn’t true. You can do EXACTLY what he did. If he had packs of 8 hot dogs and 9 buns, removing one bun from each pack would have the same effect. And 8 and 9 are coprime.

    And you can also do what I said he could’ve done, that is, get an even number of hot dogs and buns by purchasing different amounts of packages. If someone purchased 9 packs of 8 hot dogs and 8 packs of 9 buns, they would even out.

    You can ensure any two coprime integers go into another number evenly by simply making them factors of the other number (in this case, 72).

    Edit: fixed a typo