No I’d say there’s absolutely a good share of malice in the mix with incompetence and stupidity.
No I’d say there’s absolutely a good share of malice in the mix with incompetence and stupidity.
If you’re doing a little solo guitar performance in some back alley, does that mean the racist masses are entitled to come thundering down that back alley and harass you?
The States haven’t been united for a while now.
The Nazi Reigime in Northern Mexico/Southern Canada is my convoluted suggestion.
Glad to hear it.
The CEO was a fucking hack. Good riddance.
He straight up said ‘movie pirates are worse than drunk drivers’ at one point.
I don’t know about any of you, but I’m pretty sure media pirates haven’t killed people with their negligence.
In ATLA, there’s an infamous episode called The Great Divide.
Aang tells a lie to get two tribes to stop fighting a pointless feud that’s been going on a hundred years or so. And the fandom seems to get all huffy about that.
I think he did the right thing. If there’s nothing to prove he’s lying about how the feud began, then there’s nothing to prove about why it should continue either.
How Republicans feel after murdering a woman by deciding the fetus is more important.
Yeah, this is the theory that I’ve held since seeing a documentary investigating the whole incident. And for the life of me I cannot recall the name.
I find it far easier to believe the CIA would scramble to cover up a colossal fuck-up over any shadowy conspiracy of assassination. Incompetence is more reliable than competence, in a way.
I don’t care who gets bitchy over this;
America chose bald faced fascism and genocide, over the chance to end genocide and not-fascism.
Suck eggs, whenever you can save up for them. The stay-at-homes are just as guilty.
I can think of many many lives that the Nazi Reigime of America have destroyed. And lives are far more important than property.
The cars can burn.
I don’t recognise the current American regime as a valid government. Just like I don’t recognise the Israeli occupation force as a valid state.
It’s not remotely binding or even meaningful to anyone but myself of course. But hey, nothing matters these days.
Ah, Gene Roddenberry must’ve written the movie then.
News media is contributing to the big smokescreen that the Nazi regime in America wants.
To then turn around and say ‘while you were distracted’ as if the public are to blame for not noticing is just plain hypocritical shittiness from said media.
He bought the Presidency. Not eve a bribe at this point.
30 in a month, never been in a relationship.
I blame shitty religion for ingrained a very toxic and twisted concept of relationships personally, and a 12 year mental break after my school life collapsed.
Financially, I’m in an okay position now. But, other problems arise that somewhat get in the way of feeling comfortable with myself, like dental. (Gender dysphoria is something I just have to live with).
Frankly, I just don’t know where to even begin at this point.
Of course they hate South Korea.
South Korea actually knows how to deal with fascist dictators.
OK, kindly fuck off with your Nazi shilling and save the rest of us the displeasure.