Melody Fwygon

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • People need to stand firm against the needless RTOs and demands to be present in a workplace where your work consists largely of things you can do safely from the privacy of your own home.

    Without more mass resignations when companies start to roll out RTOs like this; they will never learn. If you work at such a company; start looking for another job, even if you are willing to work in the office a few days a week. Punish them harshly for enforcing RTOs.

  • (As if spoken by the King to Simba:)

    Rust: Everything from the bottom of this cliff to the acacia tree there is ours. Make sure you ask permission before you take something, take nothing you are not permitted to take. We don’t go beyond that tree; and if you even think about the elephant graveyard beyond it; I’ll kill you myself.

    C: Everything the sun touches is yours. I caution you to not venture into the shadows; but I will not stop you, for you are a king, and nothing a king can do is unnecessary if it is for his people.

  • I think there’s a problem with the ‘C only’ devs refusing to be accomodating to the Rust developers. Instead of being stubborn; why not provide them what is needed and help the Rust team learn how to maintain what is needed themselves?

    None of the reasons I’ve seen mentioned are legitimate reasons for refusing to at least help them a few times, and helping them to learn how to do the onerous task themselves so they can keep it off the main plate for too long.

    C devs do not need to learn Rust to provide critical information; they need only be present and cooperative with Rust devs to help them find, convert, and localize data structures for Rust use. They can stand to sit and pair code with their Rust Dev counterparts long enough to teach a Rust Dev counterpart how and what they need to look for in C code. It’s not that big of an ask, and it’s not something that really is a large ask. Provide the bindings for a short period of time, and work on training a team of Rust Devs to maintain the bindings.

    That way both sides are stepping up to meet the others and the data isn’t being sat on by the C-only Devs.

  • While there is no harm; I could easily understand why parents might not want this measure passed. Frequently the costs get passed onto them in a painful way; either at the lunchline every day or indirectly via the taxes they pay and how much the school spends.

    I think it could be easier if instead of passing the law for everyone statewide; they just let schools and districts “opt into” this sort of thing by polling parents; and “voluntarily join the study of this subject” rather than being forced into it by state legislature statewide. Then the State can control and gather data in their own ways…and maintains their own control group; which makes a better study. They can’t control the quality of the control group when using data borrowed from other states…what they get is what they get.

  • I really hate when lawmakers base policy on shaky evidence.

    I do think that some children could benefit from dye-free diets; but not all. Make it a matter of school policy that is defined every 3 to 6 months by asking the parents to lend their voices/ballot on the matter; outline the potential “pros and cons” directly on the ballot and let the parents decide each cycle if they want school lunches to go dye-free. Additionally you could poll the children regularly to monitor for dislike of food as well as have lunch monitors just take notes on how much food is eaten.

    Then sit back and watch as some schools try it out and some don’t; and you’ll have the ability to gather solid empirical data on if these are indeed problematic for children.

  • You don’t hire a well known “PR Superstar”-level lawyer without being super worried that your conduct might be viewed as wrong in a court of public opinion, regardless of whether or not you broke the law. The Lawyer ensures public opinion doesn’t affect the possible legal case mess that’s likely going on.

    Until those legal tangles are resolved, we really won’t know more; and oftentimes details left for public record will be minimal if no wrongdoing was found.

    Personally; I think it’s possible that the allegations might not be 100% legitimate, I do believe people would love to smear him if it meant potential financial gains and social notoriety. But I also think it’s equally as possible that he is in fact as bad of a person as is alleged; and I believe he’s likely to be very much a self-serving person who hides that dark side with his very public persona. There are a number of people in creator circles who whisper stories of negative interactions with him.

  • In general he is not a nice person when criticized. This is usually obvious in his content and social media interactions.

    His content is low quality, ‘feel good’, Reality TV garbage. Think like Dude Perfect; except they give out giant wads of cash and recruit random people. He has TWO FAILED BRANDS; Mr. Beast Burger, which is a chain of low quality ghost kitchens, and his Chocolate brand; which shows a clear lack of business acumen and capability. Much of his video content is clickbait; written explicitly to game the algorithm and garner attention with only minimally required guardrails to obey ToSes and relevant laws that are actually enforced. Frequently he invades other YouTuber’s channels for a video or more to “promote his brand” and spread his junky content around. This is sometimes fine; when the channel is celebrity centric or otherwise good at staying on it’s own topic; but I’ve heard…horror stories from certain youtubers about working with Mr. Beast…and even the Greens, (John and Hank, vlogbrothers) don’t seem to like him all that much it seems like; as evidenced by their large lack of interactions with him. Sure, they ‘professionally respect’ him; but that’s about as far as that seems to go. I think a lot of Nerdfighteria (Fans of the vlogbrothers) doesn’t seem to interact with Mr. Beast that much and it makes me wonder.

  • Melody[META] MBFC bot
    21 days ago

    Honestly; I think the “Negative” reactions to the bot are overblown and only done by a vocal minority who are sockpuppeting followed by a few people who are irrationally angry that the bot can be, GASP! Dare I SAY IT???!!11, Wrong.

    Personally I don’t find the bot problematic at all; and I think it could easily be blocked or ignored by people who find it too inaccurate. So I find it extremely disappointing that the mods are listening to the vocal minority about this.

    That being said; I do understand why Mods want to make the bot more accurate. It’s assessments and information can easily make obvious extremists and trolls more obvious to the naked eye; and can help people consume media with some grains of salt. More sources of data are good for accuracy.