Lots of trees can be bushes and do just fine that way if they don’t get big .
Lots of trees can be bushes and do just fine that way if they don’t get big .
They didn’t say what they were testing for. You can do a binary do you have DNA or not test to see if you are in fact a robot or not. All you need is soap and alcohol.
The tariffs haven’t actually gone through so there’s still people that think he’s just threatening them to get a better deal. They don’t know he’s just stupid as hell and will put the tariffs in and they will cause a recession or depression.
Actor and director in Thor Ragnarok
Still need lots of fuel for vehicles and military vehicles in particular.
Leaning isn’t the same thing as voting.
No, the Irish war of independence was 1916-1920 and was mostly fighting with guns. The car bombs was much later during the troubles and was about northern Ireland.
Honestly some people like sucking corporate dick, I say let them. If they’re small cities it’s fine, more housing is what’s needed. That just relieves tension on housing and lowers the price for everyone.
Scrip, no t, but there are positive pro community versions of this where cities use their own as a way of circulating money within the local economy.
Text has always been insecure. An authenticator app is better.
At this point, it is useful for doing some specific things so the way to make it great is making it cheap and accessible. Being able to run it locally would be way more useful.
And they’re spread by forgetful squirrels.