And yet their actions affect the globe
And yet their actions affect the globe
All of this is literally unbelievable for me. I don’t even have words to express how unexpectedly odd reading comments in this thread has been.
It’s like there’s a curb your enthusiasm theme song being played constantly except there’s also a sad, dark undertone to it all. Curb your enthusiasm theme in a minor key?
Meanwhile the top post with most engagement on conservative subreddits: “sNoW wHiTe FLoPpEd lmao liberal tears”
Edit: as of this edit, a post about the scandal has become the top post with most engagement
I just watched Last of Us (inspired by the game) featuring Pedro Pascal. Looks very similar to Lemmy.
I lurk the conservative subreddit sometimes. A couple months ago they posted that “I don’t think about you at all” meme about democrats. The funny thing is that 50-75% of their posts, consistently, are about leftists and democrats lol
I had forgotten about it. The quote is spot on.
This is that usual gaslighting rhetoric from the right. Someone reminded of the Sartre quote about anti-semites recently. It’s so applicable to how the right twists facts and makes absurd over-generalizations. It’s the epitome of acting in bad faith.
“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”
New executive order just dropped: from now on only “easy cheese”
The mental gymnastics lmao. Are you saying that people who want to have healthy discussions (as opposed to the toxic shit you’re doing here) are… neoliberals? Or what? How does this prove your point?
That was never your original question and you never asked respectfully. You were never interested in a discussion with me. If you were you’d have asked clarifying questions to learn my position. It’s been phantoms the whole time. What bit of information from what I said allows you to attach me to a phantom which you then attack?
Again, it’s not that I can’t name a policy, it’s that your behavior is angry and disrespectful and I’m not going to intellectually engage with it.
For you to behave like this, demand answers, then tag me for something because I refuse to play by your rules is ridiculous.
You’re not looking to have a real discussion. You’re trying to let go of anger.
Try running a few miles or something instead.
You’re clearly having a bad day. You’re picking fights with everyone in your comment history. I’m not gonna defend myself from the box you ignorantly put me in. That’s not what healthy discussion looks like. I’m not going to play by your rules. You’re going to use this to reinforce your assumptions, but that’s ok. I’ll talk specifics and policies with other people, in a better environment.
You expect a sophisticated argument coming from me about specifics at this point in the discussion? And since you didn’t get one you double down on calling me a neoliberal? You have misdirected anger and jump too quickly to conclusions. Instead of the big assumption, you could have easily asked “what about his policies” early on.
I oppose tons of what he does: handling immigration, international relations, treatment of minorities, etc. You’re turning this around. Admit you made a huge wrong assumption. I guess when I’m communicating with morons I should put an asterisk that says “the entirety of my views is not limited to the few things I’m saying here.”
Lol. So you assumed that means I like his policies and categorized me as a neoliberal. That’s a huge assumption. You’re clearly not talking to me, you’re having a discussion with phantoms in your head that you project on to me.
You’re clearly confused
Who mentioned neoliberals?
You talk as if trump is “normal”, ignoring the kinds of things he says, how he says them, who he says them to, his tantrums in all caps on social media, his lack of poise, professionalism, and diplomacy. The guy is abrasive as fuck. You must have bad memory.
Conservatives are wild. I don’t know if they intentionally do it but their behavior is absurd. Obsessed with Obama’s birth certificate, LeTs Go BrAnDoN, and even super whacky shit like QAnon and trying to prove Michelle Obama is a man. They hate “mainstream media” yet Fox News is one of the biggest networks. They’re all about merit yet discount anything AOC says, who’s smart and studied, because she bartended. And now they want to turn the tables, claim they are and have always been normal, and it’s people who disapprove of Trump who are deranged. It makes no sense.
How could I be an NPC if I’m “playing” myself?