Kobolds with a keyboard.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Simmons (the woman who murdered the guy) was not the one he had the relationship with. Her trauma (as described in the article) was that she believed her stepfather (whom she stabbed 5 years ago) abused her daughter. As far as the article covers, she had no involvement with the guy she shot and dismembered at all. He had a warrant for failing to register as a sex offender; Simmons apparently saw that and, because of her “disdain for pedophiles”, murdered him.

    Whatever your feelings on the guy, we simply can’t condone extrajudicial killings. I know it feels good sometimes to think “Yeah, that guy deserved it!”, and in some cases, maybe they do, but it doesn’t matter - it’s still vigilantism.

    In this case, it seems that she’s just a violent woman. If I’m reading it right, she stabbed one person, and murdered two (three separate unrelated incidents) so she deserves the life sentence she got, however you slice it.

  • “This day has been a long time coming. I am relieved and humbled to help correct this injustice,” said Dallas County Criminal District Attorney John Creuzot.

    The guy’s 59, he’s been in prison for most of his adult life. He likely has no house, no savings, no family. While it’s obviously great that he was released, he ought to be given a sizable pension for the rest of his life at the very least… I don’t know what actually happens in cases like this, but if he’s just released without being given some kind of major compensation for the wrongful imprisonment, the injustice isn’t being corrected at all.

  • Oh, we can see post / comment count, but that’s a meaningless statistic, no? The whole point of karma - the whole thing that makes karma toxic - is that it’s based on farming upvotes; it’s why Reddit is a cesspool of low-effort meme comments that’re engineered to gather those upvotes. Post / comment numbers can’t really be hidden anyway, unless you’re also proposing hiding a user’s comment history… you could get a quick rough total just by checking how many pages of posts and comments there were and doing some quick multiplication.

  • The only things I’ve found that just straight up don’t work on the deck are things with draconian anti-cheat (which don’t work on Linux in general, not just the deck), and very old titles that have weirdly restrictive resolutions or control schemes or whathaveyou. Some games require some tweaking (mostly around controls, occasionally changing the Proton version, which is very easy to do within Steam), but generally that’s been minor. The things that don’t work well are typically things you wouldn’t expect to work anyway.

    It’s worth noting that it makes it very easy to remap controls, even for games that don’t natively support controllers or don’t let you remap the controls at all normally. You can also invoke an onscreen keyboard as needed (for e.g. typing names). The controller mapping is very strong; it’s not limited only to single buttons; you can create custom contextual radial menus, for instance, so even games that need many more unique controls than the Deck has buttons work fine with some tweaking. You can also view / download / rate other users’ control mappings for any game that has them, so you don’t even need to do the work yourself.

    It’s a fantastic piece of hardware for gaming. Looks great, feels great. It’s a bit large (won’t fit in a pocket, obviously), but that shouldn’t be a problem for anyone who would reasonably want a handheld gaming PC. It’s not a phone or a Gameboy.

    I was without a desktop PC for a week or so due to a hardware failure, and was able to do everything I needed to do on the Steam Deck (with a USB mouse/keyboard, plugged into a monitor via a dock). So it’s a great piece of hardware even for that.