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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • It does taste different.l but it’s still milk.
    I’ve grown up on a farm, and milk can even taste different from cow to cow, or at different times of the year if that changes their alimentation.
    Raw milk also usually has a higher fat content than what most people buy.
    Ours would average 4.5%.

    Different breeds also taste different, holsteins, ayrshires, jerseys, etc.

    I’ve never been a big fan of milk, so I can’t into much details on flavor.

    I personally wouldn’t procure raw milk from a farm I didn’t know very well.

  • Thanks, that’s an interesting read.
    I know that’s one person’s opinion and not a thorough research, but that’s still plenty of red flags.

    I’ve used the 100 searches in the free trial, thought the search was fine, better than Google’s these days. The subscription is a bit steep so I held off, kinda glad I did after digging more into this.

    Having what little employees they have also make a mac-only browser, AI stuff and email that their user base doesn’t seem to want is all a bit weird.
    Buying a t-shirt factory (wtf) with the money they could have used to potentially lower the subscription, but decided to burn through it to give out free t-shirts. That just screams narcissism-driven to me.

    Their vague statements on privacy isn’t convincing at all.
    Some variation of “we don’t care about your data” isn’t in any way compelling evidence that you care about protecting the privacy of said collected data.

    In my opinion they lack focus, commitment and conviction into what I thought was their primary mission at first glance: being a privacy-focused no nonsense search engine.
    Although that’s probably on me for reading what I wanted to see between the lines and that never was their stated mission, which would explain a lot.

  • The problem is there’s likely not a universal solution that’s guaranteed to clean everything in every case.

    Cleaning specific logs/configs is much easier when you know what you’re dealing with.
    Something like anonymizing a Cisco router config is easy enough because it folllows a known format that you can parse and clean.
    Building a tool to anonymize some random logs from a specific software is one thing, anonymizing all logs from any software is unlikely.
    Either way, it should always be double-checked and tailored to what’s being logged.