Queen HawlSera

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • This reminds me of a piano player who was chased out of Germany for having jewish heritage, upon leaving the country he began to have hits that became very popular in Germany… Resulting in him getting tons of love letters from fans who praised his music as being “An example of the beauty that can only be created by a true Aryan!” and tons of rumors that he was this blonde haired blue-eyed super racist gigachad, but really he was Jewish and when he actually lived in Germany was considered “Just another hebrew ruining the Motherland”

    For those wondering how that’s possible, they didn’t have wikipedia back then, so they couldn’t type the guy’s name into DuckDuckGo to check what he looks like or all the twitter posts featuring gifs of his cousin’s bar mitzvah.

    That said the amount of people who played Celeste and complained it was ruined with wokeness because it featured a trans pride flag despite being about a transgender character and was made by a transgender woman shows this story could still happen today.

  • Yeah, but In Baldur’s Gate 3 I can make a feminine looking character with tits and a big throbbing horse dick, a masculine character with a vagina, or an adrogynous character with whatever the hell I want… So having the pronouns separate from the build actually makes sense. The concept of binary gender identity is subverted enough for pronoun selection to serve a practical purpose.

    In something like Old School Runescape or the Demon’s Souls remaster? Not so much.

    If I’m ONLY going to have two body type choices, Buff Dude or Curvy Chick, why this unnatural “Body Type A/Body Type B” language instead of saying “Masculine/Feminine” ? It just makes me feel like I’m in some Orwellian New Speak environment that just simply doesn’t exist in day to day life. And again, Non-Binary individuals aren’t getting any favors here because they’re STILL forced into a dichotomy of Masculine or Feminine, it’s just now that “Those buzzword unfriendly M and F-Words” aren’t present. The best a non-binary individual can really get in that situation is do a heads/tails coin toss and pick They/Them pronouns.

    No one’s needs are really being met here, we’re just forcing awkward corporate jargon to pretend the game is more inclusive than it really is.