i appreciate the sentiment, but we need to stop thinking we’re doing anything by highlighting their hypocrisy
i appreciate the sentiment, but we need to stop thinking we’re doing anything by highlighting their hypocrisy
i’m not interested in punishment. only solutions.
i don’t see any point to keeping these people alive.
thank you. people just need to stop it. we all get it. now what are we going to do about it?
no one is coming to save us.
thank you. they call us soy boys and it’s beginning to look like they’re right.
intimidation has been winning america’s culture war. i think it’s time we started fighting back for real.
no. the right is winning. let’s catch up.
peaceful protests also accomplish nothing.
ask yourself which is more effective. the right is currently winning. maybe we should adopt different strategies.
you mean like in the same way that learning an instrument takes time and dedication?
more blame. no solutions. go away little lord edgy boy.
yes. we are cancer. i live on as little as possible but i don’t delude myself into thinking my actions have any effect on the whole.
i spent nearly 20 years not using paper towels until i realized how pointless it was. now i throw my trash out the window. we’re all fucked. if we want to change things, there’s only one tool that will fix it. until people realize that, i really don’t fucking care any more.
well there you have it folks. empire in decay has no solutions but everything we’re doing is wrong. they must be right since they’re so edgy.
you children shouldn’t be on the internet.
brian eno is cooler than most of you can ever hope to be.
Here we are using recycled bags, banning straws, putting explosive refrigerant in fridges and using led lights in everything
lol, sucker. none of that does shit and industry was already destroying the planet just fine before ai came along.
he’s right. we need to let go of our own empathy to make us more effective soldiers in the fight to defeat him and the people like him.
i look forward to the day when these guys beg for mercy as we ease them into their excruciating fate with cold, unblinking eyes.
because the american citizen was not the target. an al-quaeda operative was the target. the kid happened to be in close proximity.
protests usually accomplish nothing also.