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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Nah, man, you made an error in your parenting. It’s not a big deal so long as your recognize it but at this point there is pretty substantial evidence that such discipline techniques are generally more harmful than not.

    And that’s ok, because honestly parenting is fucking hard. I definitely get rougher and less patient with my kid when I’m stressed, but it’s a behavior I recognize I need to change and actively work on because it is objectively, unquestionably, bad parenting. This is a long way of saying that while, yea, family dynamics vary, there are many ways of parenting that are just very clearly bad or good, and recognizing the bad, even in ourselves, is something that is necessary for being a complete parent.

  • California is considered to be a more difficult bat exam that other states because it has a notoriously low passage rate. Note, there are some caveats to that because California is the only state where ANYONE can take the exam, JD or no, so that obviously has a depressive effect on pass rates. Moreover, you are less likely to pass all bar exams the more you retake and the global pass rates for the exam don’t factor in retakers, so it’s a weird stat that is not as informative as a lot of people make it.

    Nevertheless, bar exams (and really almost all exams in law school) are curved. It isn’t targeting a 50/50 rate, I believe, but the stat you’re looking at is total pass rate per exam versus pass rate for first time test takers. You get many repeats per exam.

  • WI used to be heavily pro-labor, relatively progressive, and on a positive track, although it certainly was struggling to come to terms with its historical blemishes that persisted into deep systemic issues (racism and segregation have always been a massive issue in the state, but have only worsened in the last couple decades). When the right overtook almost the entirety of governor for a long stretch, it utterly broke the state though. The upside is that WI and MN were functionally identical until one went hard right and the other soft left and the result makes a wonderful case study for how vapid and destructive the entirety of the US right and Republicans are.