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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2020

    • AFAB = assigned female at birth; basically because they happened to have a vagina at birth, so they were supposed to like pink and dolls and a lower paycheck and whatever else society has decided the female experience should be like.
    • AMAB = assigned male at birth
    • NB = non-binary; a person that identifies neither as male nor as female. They might be something in the middle, or they might be something completely different.
    • femme = basically the way women have traditionally looked or behaved (long hair, pink etc.)
    • fundie = fundamentalist Christian; basically very conservative, very eccentric people with world views they claim to be traditionally Christian
    • bussy = boy pussy; the anus of a man, or it may also be used to describe the vagina of a transmasc person
    • transmasc = transmasculine; a person who was assigned female at birth, but who rather identifies with masculinity and may have taken measures to be perceived as such (clothing, hormones, surgery etc.)

  • I wouldn’t get my hopes up. Them announcing something like this looks good PR-wise, so they’ll do it, even if they don’t actually expect this effort to lead to anything.

    But even if they do implement such an API, companies won’t start adopting this API until its capabilities are roughly comparable to the kernel-level solution AND it’s available on most Windows systems in the wild. So, we’re likely talking more than a decade before this sees sufficient adoption…

  • I do think, it’s good that we’re able to self-host these models. Better than not being able to.

    But the biggest draw of open-source to me is that I and others in the community can fix things.
    It’s possible that I just don’t understand enough about how these models are created, but right now, it doesn’t feel like we’re able to fix things.

    If the next LLaMa model loses all knowledge of the Uyghur genocide, because Facebook wants to distribute it in China, then I don’t know how we’d patch that back in. Even collecting the training data is tricky.

    It feels a lot more like Creative Commons than open-source, i.e. you can use what they’ve created, and you can remix it, but adding to it is not easily possible.

  • It’s a win-win, if they view the relationship as just individuals with benefits.

    The opposite end of the relationship spectrum is where you work together to advance both of your goals, happiness etc., like an amorphous blob.
    In that case, the proposal of the girlfriend makes sense, because she presumably needs the once-a-week cleaning for her happiness and so they would work together on that, just as much as they would work together on something that primarily advances the guy’s happiness.

    People will often call the former a “transactional” relationship, and the latter “true love” or whatever, but ultimately, each relationship has to figure out what works best for them and where along the spectrum they want to be.
    Biggest problem with this particular relationship is that the girlfriend seems to have a very different expectation than the guy.

  • Two months ago or so, I started wiping my floors about twice a week with a damp cloth, because I’ve got dust mite allergy, and yeah, the clean surfaces are crazy. When I’m not wearing socks, I can easily tell, if I haven’t wiped for a few days.

    But also, everything else in my room collects dust much less quickly, I guess because I scoop it off the floor before it can settle everywhere else.
    And my floor now also has this shine to it, which always makes it look like I’m trying to sell the place.