Yeah, our government is just the worst Joe. I mean, we don’t light our money on fire to pick a fight with all our friends. We’re not erasing our own history because we’re scared of black and brown people. We let people have access to healthcare without having to sell their youngest daughter in sex slavery (sorry, “child marriage”). And we haven’t even turned the keys of the kingdom to a mask off fascist doing the fucking seig heil on national television and then pretending to wonder why people want to kill him.
God, it’s like we’re not even trying to put our boot on the neck of our citizens. You should totally go to Russia. Like, right now. And I hope you fall out a window you drug-addled windbag.
There’s a couple reasons -
In a perfect world, the fact that America is committing violence in other nations and is not realistically reigned in by International Laws or Treaties would be a point worth getting upset about. But that fact is over 100 years old and has been successfully normalized. The idea of incompetent buffoons operating the Department of Defense like a bunch of frat boys trying to organize a kegger is marginally newer and more impactful on the national psyche.