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Joined 11 days ago
Cake day: March 15th, 2025

  • There’s a couple reasons -

    1. It wasn’t so much “bombing Yemen” as it was, bombing a terrorist organization within Yemen’s borders. This is something every American administration has done for decades. That makes it poor political fodder, you can’t “one up” the competition with it.
    2. Most Americans would agree that the Houthis, once it is explained to them who they are, need to be bombed. The actual action would be reprehensible to some, but acceptable to most. You can’t put pressure on an admin to change their tactics when they feel they have a plurality of support.
    3. The sad and undeniable fact is that in American politics - American lives are simply more important than foreign ones. That’s not really unique to American culture, it’s not meant as a criticism, it’s just a sad reality. Bombing Yemen is pretty low risk for American lives - but sloppy OPSEC put American lives at huge risk so that’s where the focus is.

    In a perfect world, the fact that America is committing violence in other nations and is not realistically reigned in by International Laws or Treaties would be a point worth getting upset about. But that fact is over 100 years old and has been successfully normalized. The idea of incompetent buffoons operating the Department of Defense like a bunch of frat boys trying to organize a kegger is marginally newer and more impactful on the national psyche.

  • Yeah, our government is just the worst Joe. I mean, we don’t light our money on fire to pick a fight with all our friends. We’re not erasing our own history because we’re scared of black and brown people. We let people have access to healthcare without having to sell their youngest daughter in sex slavery (sorry, “child marriage”). And we haven’t even turned the keys of the kingdom to a mask off fascist doing the fucking seig heil on national television and then pretending to wonder why people want to kill him.

    God, it’s like we’re not even trying to put our boot on the neck of our citizens. You should totally go to Russia. Like, right now. And I hope you fall out a window you drug-addled windbag.

  • Man, Charlie Angus has really been the man of moment here. He’s doing the same speech all over this country, seen it in a bunch of places. I know that sounds like a criticism - how can he be genuine when he’s repeating himself and refining the message? Isn’t that just a stump speech?

    But it’s not. First of all, anyone who knows Charlie Angus’ record knows this isn’t new territory for him.

    Second, the reason this feels so genuine is because it’s how WE feel. We aren’t being told what to think, we’re having our feelings put into words right in front of us.

    And finally, these lines aren’t stupid slogans or focus group tested pablum. These are things I’ve heard other Canadians say to each other, things I’ve said, way before any political leader was saying it. He’s speaking in plain and easy language, in the exact terms Canadians think about this.

    Populism and patriotism are heady, dangerous drugs. So quickly, they can pour over into mob-mentality, anti-intellectualism and nationalism. We have to be careful, and we have to be smart. But right now, man, I am riding this high. Elbows up!

  • I have never known a man who needed to get punched in the face worse than Donald Trump. I am not a violent man. I detest “online tough guys” who treat every situation as an excuse to advocate for violence. And I’m not saying I endorse a bullet or a guillotine or something like that. I’m not even saying I’d punch him.

    But this man has clearly never been punched in his shit-talking mouth, and if someone had done it 40 or 50 years ago, we wouldn’t be here now.

  • I’m not sure we need to waste a lot of time on the lunatics that make up that 10%. You can’t get 90% approval for fresh baked cookies, or friendly golden retriever puppies. While it would be nice for there to simply be no traitors within our borders, it’s not really a realistic goal.

    Instead, let’s celebrate that by and large we’re all on the same page. Elbows up. One way or the other, old age or a bullet, we die Canadians.

  • Sons of Odin are a Canadian white supremacist movement with Viking inspired iconography and a stated mission to “stop the spread of Shariah Law”. They were started in 2018 and started with a very media-savvy push as a “service organization” doing park clean ups and handing out water and granola bars to homeless people. Their intent was to grow to spread their Xenophobia and anti-islamic rhetoric.

    They aren’t a large group, maybe 15k members coast to coast and that’s spread pretty thinly. As for why I picked them? I dunno- memorable name and more “Canadian” than name dropping the Klan.

  • Englishgrinn@lemmy.catoCanada@lemmy.caAnti Canadian sentiment
    8 days ago

    I would like “Kills Nazis” to be a common, simple part of Canadian identity, like hockey and manners. Basically, I want this:

    “Oh Bob? Yeah he’s just a good old Canadian boy. Smooth wristshot, absolute sniper. Always helps his neighbour shovel the walk. There was a demonstration by a bunch of those “Sons of Odin” fuckers downtown last week and he stopped by to huck bricks at them and protect counterprotestors. You know, we should have him over for a beer and some steaks”

  • It’s true - I can remember a year ago, maybe two? Back when he was still on Fox News Tucker Carlson was constantly on about how we were under a tyrannical dictatorship and how Americans should “free” us. This “not viable as a country” thing is just another attempt at justifying their aggression and it’s just as hollow and stupid. The lies and fallacies just cycle through until something sticks, it’s the goals that remain the same.

    The truth is, they want us out of the way because our multiculturalism and socialism are threats to their siloed reality. We’re too similar to them, too successful. We’re a living repudiation of everything they believe, of all the lies they need to be true to justify their cruelty and bigotry.

    We were never going to be allowed to live in peace, for no other reason than we are a constant reminder of the truth.

  • I think you can do more with civil disobedience in your own country than you can by picking up a rifle for us. Unless half your damn country shows up willing to fight and die for us, we’ll never have enough bodies to do anything but resist occupation and make guerilla strikes. Think less Vietnam and more The Troubles.

    But America traditionally does very poorly in war without strong support at home. When Americans lose a war, it’s never about guns and bombs, but always about domestic support falling through. And that’ll be even more true under your newly minted fascist regime. The fascist lives and dies on the widely spread lie of its own heroic, masculine ideal. Undercutting that hurts the fascist regime pretty severely.

  • I don’t know a lot about America. I’ve only visited maybe a half dozen of your cities and maybe been on American soil maybe 10 times in my whole life. I’ll tell you what I do know, please feel free to correct me if I make a mistake:

    I know you don’t have universal healthcare. I know you don’t have a specific carve out against hate speech or calls for genocide in your first amendment. I know you have no limit on money in politics. I know you have 2 year election cycles instead of laws that prevent campaigning for more than 12 weeks before an election. I know you have school shootings. I know you have laws restricting abortion. I know you don’t legally recognize the existence of Trans people, never mind their rights. I know we had legal gay marriage on the books 10 years before you did, and the way things are going we’ll have it another 10 years after you overturn Obergefell. I know your banking system sucks, putting profits before people, and couldn’t protect you from the 2008 crash as well as ours did because we have actual regulation. I know you don’t have the same environmental protections. I know you want people to assimilate and “become” American in a melting pot instead of honoring everyone’s right to embrace their history like our mosaic.

    And I know you don’t allow your conquered territories like Puerto Rico and Guam to vote, so who gives a shit how liberal we are?

    I like America, and Americans, fine. But you were right there, a short drive away if I wanted to live like you. I don’t. Why is it not a big deal that that choice might be taken from me? (edited this last line to not jump the gun. Not like fighting has started and the whole point of this was to show I wasn’t overreacting)