I’m just so tired of ads nowadays, ads for cars i can’t afford, ads for crap i’m never going to buy, ads for the supermarket i’m going to no matter if they have some discount…it’s all useless and a waste of my time and invasion on my peace.
I bought the devices, i pay for the internet connection and i pay the rent on this house, i decide what makes it inside my house.
I don’t need this funny clip my supermarket made to market overpriced holiday food 46 times a day that lasts 60 seconds and is only funny the first time i see it. I’m not going to buy a tiny christmas cake that barely feeds a child for €15, realistically it’s value to me is €1,50 compared to my wage and amount of food i get in return. I’m buying store brand m&m’s and a loaf of bread like i do all year.
If you can’t keep existing without shoveling truckloads of ads into my face, then go bankrupt…i don’t give a damn. You’re not worth €16 a month to me either or whatever the price is nowadays. Just fuck off i’ll get my entertainment elsewhere, heck i might dust off that ps4 and buy used dvd’s for 25 cents a piece.
I used to play one of those demo disc games where you get to fly an aircraft and do missiona, but back then i had bo clue what the mission was i was just happy being able to fly.
I never stopped playing games, i was always taught that you can’t pilot when you’re colorblind so i was convinced video games would allow me to do things real life would never let me.
Skyrim really caught me and after that cyberpunk took it’s place, i just love being rewarded for your work and getting to do cool shit with that money.
Real life barely feels like you’re being rewarded anymore imo.