I moved off of Nobara to Kubuntu LTS. Tried out Mint and Ubuntu before hand and gotta say, I am loving Kubuntu. I am hoping it is the last time I have to distro hop
I moved off of Nobara to Kubuntu LTS. Tried out Mint and Ubuntu before hand and gotta say, I am loving Kubuntu. I am hoping it is the last time I have to distro hop
I just have really bad memory from a combo of ADHD and weed. Remembering where in the GUI to fix something is a lot easier than remembering commands. Especially when if I fuck up said command I could make the problem worse or make a whole new problem. GUI gives me visual landmarks that stick in my memory, and thats something the terminal doesn’t. Like navigating a city via landmarks vs via street signs. Tell me directions via streets I am lost, but tell me to go left after the walgreens on the river and now I know.
Something I have learned while playing old games is old graphics is nothing compared to just how games were designed back in the day.
I found it to be unstable. I ran into updates causing major problems way too often. The last update got stuck and I was just so fed up I dumped the OS. Ubuntu has the LTS version that has way less often of updates, and that appealed to me. But I don’t like gnome so I went with Kubuntu cause its on KDE