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Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • PS: Let me make this clear: I don’t give a shit about what China does unless it involves actual ethnic cleansing and mass rape. If we don’t give a shit about the latter, we shouldn’t “get involved” in the former.

    Funny you should bring that up… You should ask the Uyghurs in China about that.

    Also, the world watched them impose their rule over Hong Kong, we watched their military murder their way through protesting civilians. We know what to expect from China, we’ve seen their playbook.

    But Taiwan is an ally of the USA, Japan is an ally of the USA, and we will stand by them. There are many other sovereign nations in the waters of the South China Sea, China does not own all that territory.

    It would be in China’s best interest to back the fuck off.

  • I wish people in this thread would pay less attention to the bible study and more attention to the violent crime repeat offender recently out of prison who clearly never got the psychiatric help he needed (cause that dude be cray cray).

    So yeah, a well intentioned woman thought she could fix him (with the help of the Lord) and decided to tie the knot with an unstable convinced felon. That’s… misguided, but a mistake that has been made a great many times before by a great many people. But truthfully, religion is barely a part of this story. Mostly this is a story about how many Americans aren’t encouraged to get the mental help they need, about one of the many ways in which our correctional system doesn’t work, and about how you really shouldn’t try to “fix” that bad boy that I’m sure has a heart of gold deep down. That last part is just so dangerous… please don’t do it.

  • Wild species are extremely good at adapting to evolving conditions. Their ability in this is many more times more powerful than any developments these searchers will produce.

    Evolution is famously slow though. And there is a deadline here, so to speak… Human technological advancement on the other hand is famously fast, and constantly accelerates.

    In other words, even if this is an overly optimistic plan today, it wouldn’t be overly optimistic in 5 years or so. And if it would be feasible in five years, then now is a great time to start working on it.

    This reminds me of the human genome project, the effort to sequence the entire human genome. This was an international program started in 1984, sequencing really started in earnest in 1990, and by 1999, after fifteen years, they had only 10% of the genome sequenced. But just four years later they declared the project “complete” with 92% of the genome sequenced. Comparing those final four years to the previous nine years, you get a 1800% increase in speed.

  • Well, that’s really an attempt at saving money. And it’s a strategy that actually works with some of their contractors. (Not so much with Boeing and ULA)

    The problem is that they really need more budget. There’s absolutely no reason they couldn’t have five times the funding they have now. The US military had a budget of 820 billion last year, NASA used 200 million. Meaning, that you could quintuple NASA’s budget with an additional 800 million by shifting 0.1% of military funding their way.

    Personally, I think NASA is more than 0.1% as important as our military, but that’s just me.